On what grounds? Careful anon.
Maybe fire up a ice cold early geo storm
It is her helmet. Lets not throw shit at the board. Peoples lives can be ruined by this board.
Yes we have and they are fucked up. They withhelld evidence that they knew black bouys who got the MMR vax before 6 months were 350% higher chance to be austistic. Buried it until Andrew Wakefield blew the whistle. Nothing done about it. He used CDC info and was still discredited.
They have been involved in all of it and need to be disbanded.
Similar body shape. Not a great res pic.
FBI has big problems. Not just in Portland and not just at top.
Noticed that HSI is involved in cases normally done by FBI.
You are probably right but they would not use their official gear for terrorism.
It is a crop that anon posted in this bread. They were practicing or had just put out a fire. Looks like practice. I posted earlier anyone would not likely use official equipment while doing Terror.