Anonymous ID: bb3c41 Sept. 14, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.10646703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6818

>>10646529 pb


I recall reading a book about the Nuremberg Trials and how they established jurisdiction in Germany over the defeated Germans.


'The legal basis for the jurisdiction of the court was that defined by the Instrument of Surrender of Germany. Political authority for Germany had been transferred to the Allied Control Council which, having sovereign power over Germany, could choose to punish violations of international law and the laws of war. Because the court was limited to violations of the laws of war, it did not have jurisdiction over crimes that took place before the outbreak of war on 1 September 1939."


I am not sure what secret documents are in place to lead certain groups to believe they have political control over the United States. I have heard various theories, like it is a corporation called The United States of America or the United States for America. I have read about how the Vatican and City of London allegedly have political control.


Either way, if We, the American people, can establish without a doubt that we have political control, then we will have jurisdiction to establish Constitutional courts based on Natural Law, as stated in the Declaration of Independence. We can finally get rid of the British Accredited Registry and their treasonous Admiralty Law courts.


Maybe we are already there, but it is interesting that the latest Q posts are related to authority, jurisdiction, and political control. It reminded me of what was determined in the Nuremberg Trials.

Anonymous ID: bb3c41 Sept. 14, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.10647039   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I did not realize that Russia is building "military" bases in the far, far north. Good for them. I hope they have a special cell for Soros.


I am still convinced that Putin and Russia chose good over evil. I am confident that the other Slavic countries will, too, once they wake up enough. I know a few people in Ukraine, and they are slowly waking up.


I have a lot of hope for the good people of the world.