toppest of keks. ruby was a lefty? who knew.
not debunked. the sauce was a world map that also shows canadian fires when zoomed out.
nothing happening? dont ignorantly troll anons just because you're too blind to see. if you want to claim nothing happened before nothing actually happened its because you are trying to blindly reinforce your own paradigm. the truth is right in front of your but the choice to look is yours. make it.
>chinese whistle blower releases irrifutable proof that SARS-Cov2 is man made
>POTUS implies that the climate will be "cooling down"
>antifa arsonist doxxed
>kamala takes ownership of the "biden" administration
>9th circut says POTUS can deport 300k el salvadoans
>FBI violated law by not informing AG lynch about crossfire hurricane
>man arrested twice in 12 hrs for starting 7 wildfires
fixed but 8kun doesnt recognize it as a new file. says it already exists in the bread. will post next bread.
considering what antifa does with their shits, there is a strong argument for this being a peaceful demonstration.