Anonymous ID: 8eeacc Sept. 14, 2020, 5:22 p.m. No.10649671   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Full size image extracted by copying image address in CH tweet.


Pens points to Brian Murphy…

THESE Headlines tell you pretty much all you need to know about this asshole!

Brian Murphy Says DHS Downplayed Threats From Russia, White Supremacists

DHS whistleblower says he was demoted for refusing to alter reports on Russian election interference, white supremacist threats

Brian Murphy also says he was pressured by Department of Homeland Security leaders to make his intelligence reports reflect the priorities of the Trump administration.

DHS official is removed from his job after his office 'compiled three intelligence reports on two journalists and analyzed communications between protesters in Portland'

*Brian Murphy, the acting undersecretary for intelligence and analysis, was reassigned from his position

*The decision was reportedly made on Friday by Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, the Washington Post reports

*Murphy's removal comes after his office compiled three 'intelligence reports' about two journalists and protesters in Portland, Oregon

*The Intelligence & Analysis Office is not intended to share information across law enforcement agencies about US citizens not connected to terrorists

*The compiled reports included information about two journalists, Mike Baker and Benjamin Wittes, after they published leaked DHS documents

*A report from the Washington Post also claimed that Murphy's office analyzed electronic messages from Portland protesters

*Wolf shared a statement saying the Intelligence and Analysis Office would no longer be 'collecting information involving members of the press'

Anonymous ID: 8eeacc Sept. 14, 2020, 5:24 p.m. No.10649713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Portland Man Sets Off Multiple Brush Fires As State Grapples With Deadly Wildfires