Anonymous ID: de9c0e Sept. 14, 2020, 7:47 p.m. No.10651798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1898

Q, thank you kindly for the compendium in 4697. After reviewing it, the austites graphic, and the backgrounds of several of these cretins, it seems the arsonists fall into two distinct categories:


Antifa goons, specifically the hardcore true believers willing to commit serious crimes "for the cause". These are the terrorists from the photos Q posted (and their friends).


Drug addicts (meth), homeless, recently released criminals. They are being paid to start fires (by the terrorists), and are the ones doing a sloppier job overall. They only want the drugs/cash.


The HfRO line intimates POTUS forced their hand early (making it weak, sloppy). Too many of their comrades were already arrested by the feds, recent deputization of local LEOs made their tactics untenable. The other aspect of that quote that struck me is in the movie the Soviet sub Capt went rogue. Does this mean antifa went rogue from their dem handlers?

Anonymous ID: de9c0e Sept. 14, 2020, 8:08 p.m. No.10652073   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks fren. I trust Q & crew already know this (two different types). It's the Red October line I'm still pondering. The insurrectionists are getting really sloppy, terrible optics for the dems. D's already gave the "call off" batsignal (horrible internal polling), but they aren't listening. At this point D's are boxed in to create any lie possible, and pretend the arrests haven't happened. They must be shitting bricks…