April Showers must have meant Comey is going to rain nonsense down on the MSM so all the normies will lap it up.
This guy makes me sick.
April Showers must have meant Comey is going to rain nonsense down on the MSM so all the normies will lap it up.
This guy makes me sick.
Fake wars, fake news, fake stock markets, fake currency, fake careers, fake education, fake diplomacy, fake security, fake technology, fake community, fake laws, fake politics, fake everything.
These are our actual American values, not the ideals we pretend to hold. This better change soon.
We've all bought into those lies for decades friend, it's never been real! Serving a country that's been led by Satan feels bad.
Well said anon. Hard to have faith and trust a plan you don't even know while being treated like sheep, just like always.
Oh well, we can always pray for civil war.
I'd say it's time to get over your narcissism anon.