This guy is the fake guy and Binney is the real guy.
90% sure that guy is a clown…
Pretty sure he is a clown. You can catch his interviews on relatively legit outlets like USAWatchdog and Sarah Westall, etc. He talks a great game but throws chaff as well. My guess is he is a CIA cover operation meant do deligitimize BILL motherfucking BINNEY who is completely real, completely legitimate and worth listening to. If you have 8 hours catch a few intervews over the last few years by both of these guys and you should be able to put it together. I have listened to them both quite a bit in the last few years. Binney is legit. This guy is a clown. Ex Cia MY FUCKING ASS.
The pink hole not the brown hole dude… Chicks don't dig dudes who put it in the wrong hole.