anyone else watching this and wondering if NSA has my searches for 'interracial double anal penetration'?
i have memories of watching cnn during obama years, thinking it was news.
Now that I think of it, i don't think the news was ever the news. It's been controlled since the beginning. The only difference now is that they don't pretend to be news anymore. It's just straight up propaganda.
One time, I got a little cut on my butthole from pushing out a hard turd too fast. I wanted to see how bad it was, so I looked at my asshole in the mirror. It was at that moment that I realized that I've never actually seen my asshole before. I was 24. I'm 31 and I haven't seen my asshole since that day.
holy fuck. forgot about my laptops cam.
I'm hoping Q is more than military people. I'm hoping they're time travellers, associated with aliens, or something weird like that.