Anonymous ID: 452e32 Sept. 14, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.10653325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3372


SEEMS TOO ME like every other trap he's laid for them.


Have just enough of that reputation to get them to befriend and trust you.


<insert a lifetime of that here>


Turn on them once you're in power.


Have MSM, social media, other people in power drag you through the mud of public opinion for the likes of what appears on that video.


Get everyone on the record (make it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR…in print, with videos) decrying your seemingly bad, but not criminal or even provable offenses.


Now their opinions on the matter are universally known and recorded for all time.


They are backed into a corner.


Now expose THEIR very real crimes x1000 intensity.


If it made him the most awful human on the planet to have done what they accused HIM OF, then their far worse crimes of that same exact nature are inescapable in the court of optics, public opinion, and ALL rhetorical efforts to dismiss…without them looking like the totally disingenuous, insincere, phony, hypocritical bastards that they are…being so obviously guilty of attemptiing to project their very own crimes (which are FAR worse) onto him…when THEY are in fact the ones to blame.


We've seen this stage being set with every kind of crime imaginable over the last few years. His foundation buying a piece of $30,000 art for his golf club (as opposed to trafficking kids in Haiti), Ivanka and FLOTUS private email addresses (vs private server CCing China), muh Russia fren (vs. selling Uranium to them), secret tape recordings of Omarosa saying he used the N word (vs. Frazzledrip kinda atrocities…gonna be GUUUUUD), likes younger women (vs. grows 3-year-olds to torture and eat them), getting troops killed in Afghanistan (vs whatever Obama's really done), tax returns (vs God only knows what they've done there), his own people turning against him to say mean things, much the joy of the press (vs Loretta Lynch turning on Obama to get him literally lynched), talking bad about the troops (vs. intentionally crashing their planes/Extortion 17), understating COVID (as opposed to planning/funding it's lab production), etc…


I expect it's going to be GLORIOUS when whatever all he's got comes out!