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The Complete Q-Anon
Posted on September 14, 2020 by Anonymous Conservative
Probably a lot of you would think me weird. Socially, mentally, even the way I think is weird. Things other more “normal people” are obsessed by barely register as interests to me. Agonies they couldn’t withstand could roll off my back like nothing. Things that would terrify them are literally flairs of life that hold the promise of relieving the ennui for me.
I kind of got used to it when I was younger. I thought I was the weird one back then, though now I think I was probably surrounded by a lot of Cabal kid-spooks, and it was everyone else around me who was weirder than any normie today would believe. Still, I was a weird duck in my own way too.
Now, today, I think God made me this strange for a purpose. Literally nobody I have ever crossed paths with would have followed this path I have followed, or opposed this leviathan in the ways I have. Fewer still in the broader world could have had the intellect to find ways to legitimately be a pain in the ass to it, or the forbearance to continue on that path.
The culmination of this path, to this date, is this book. I suspect some day it will be of interest to those who look back – that the author of probably the single most significant and coldly logical book ever written on political science, after just a few years of something happening, went from that relatively bland, logical tome, to this rather extraordinary story of something nobody right now would believe could even be possible. And indeed, I went from being unable to believe anything like this would be possible, to thinking the reality might be even stranger than I presently think it is.
All this info has been out there for decades, but I have never seen it amassed in one place, and formed into a single cogent argument.
It kind of feels like this is part of a bigger plan from God. I haven’t rushed to turn this book out and capitalize on the Q craze. I put it on God’s schedule, and when I got a chance I wrote some, and when I didn’t, I felt absolutely no rush, even as Q kept posting that this day or that was the big boom. God would get it when He wanted it.