>not being afraid of ghosts
graveyard spirits fillin' the gap
putting a fresh pot of covfefe on for all the anons who cant sleep tonight
anon is one of them
patriots drink free at the /end bar
shills need not apply
pick your poison anons;
whadl'ya have?
this was just a bad mix-up with the combine harvester incident from last night shift
the combine harvester ran over the deer in the corn field
the politician killed the 14 year old hunter
>The kun doesn't seem to be very healthy atm
pic might be related
anon is competent enough to whip up an e-bake if (you) manage to find some z's
fresh covfefe in the cup
I'm not going anywhere
wont let her wander into the rocks on my watch
>DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid
>Never more have i felt so patriotic to any flag behind an anon that sings the same song
One of the beatiful side effects of the 'internet' [matrix] is getting to re-unite with our human brothers and sisters who have been scattered to the 4 corners of the earth
oddly, anon, how you feel right now is how I felt under Obummer as I watched Putin in Russia.
Dark to LIGHT indeed
and now that I have brough it up
here is a beatiful example of the logos of our freedom loving relatives from the 'caucuses
>I find this a bit far fetched
>How is that possible?
Merlin shit
spooky action at a distance
You Have More Than You Know
digit sniper fires
>has done so for probably 20 years
try again
the "old" world order was babylon
the "new" one isnt much newer than the new testament
>centralised control
for fucks sake
all roads lead to rome
and have done for over 2000 years
>Beautifully done.
anon cried actual tears when it played at the finale of the Repub convention
to many other points of data to even attempt a meaningful list, but
the feelz anon had that night (convention finale) really cemented in anons โฆheart? that the game was already done
we won
the opponent was not honorable
when it was clear they had lost, they did not conceed
-lay over their king, as in chess
they played out every play left on the board
and now they are in the process of knocking the pieces off the table, and flipping the board over
Nothing is stopping what has arrived.
>Russian is really one of those languages
it really does anon
I get teary everytime I listen to this recording
the resonance of that language can be absolutely angelic