Dig Request
Just watched a new documentary on Netflix titled "The Social Dilemma". From IMDB:
>>>Explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.
Narrated mostly by Tristan Harris, former design ethicist at Google and founder of the Center for Humane Technology.
Center for Human Technology is funded partly by Soros' Open Society Foundations. So I was immediately skeptical.
Then I watched the movie. It's a classic example of manipulation: many truths about the tech industry, how social media is engineered against us using AI, etc. Then, toward the end, the propaganda kicks in: they talk about how pizzagate took hold on Facebook and got out of control, ending with how a shooter went to Comet Pizza and equating "pizzagate" with the Flat Earth Theory.
There is a message also that the AI/big tech takeover isn't concentrated to any one group or person.
It's in the top 10 on Netflix at the moment. Perhaps Anons can find more out about it.
Is Trump breaking/beating the AI by being unpredictable/wild, which would explain some of his chaotic-seeming decisions and press conferences?