reads like real but everyone always claims to be an insider. if your still watchin thread i'd be curious if any other developments.
her neck looks too fat imo to be the firefighter but not a bad hunch. I saved a bunch of sheit yesterday of the users that liked the instagram post. I have almost 30 of these. kek. some accounts are private, of the course the most incriminating looking ones, so I am beginning to think that whoever the girl is, her profile or anything that could connect her, is deleted by now. still worth digging though and lmk if you want me to post the rest of the pics, not gonna flood the board with it since there's so many. unless anons want it.
the hair color on people like that changes daily so I don't think we should be ruling people out based on that solely. it looks almost red to me or strawberry blonde. Also it's longer, but if the girl is smart she would have already cut and colored her hair again by now if she is aware. which she most likely is, considering antidote503 has been blowing up instagram about Q followers harassing him.
Agreed. I tink the purple circles were used to convey that those are the people we still need to identify.
o7 Anon, glad I'm not the only one still interdasted.
anons were saying it could be the axe on the receipt from pic related iirc
hair couldn't habe grown that long in that amount of time from Aug. 29 to 2 days ago.
HO LEE FUK i missed that. hair matches but no choker. interdasting. gotta lewk into it!
I think she has a diff body type as girl in pic circled purple. just mo, tho.
looks like her account has nothing to do with the accounts we were digging on yesterday. is the yellow shirt for a certain organization?
wet ass pussy
just a weird thing about the POTUS REVOLVER twat yesterday. did we miss some sort of comms? this chick commented on the instagram pic as well with WAP (wet ass pussy) . if it was her i bet her pussy was sweaty af while setting the fires. KEK?>>10656757