'All the Evidence' Suggests Guccifer 2.0 is Linked to CIA, Not Russia, NSA Whistleblower Says'
Bill Binney: "There's another whistleblower that we're working with also and they've talked to us about a programme called The Hammer. This programme was set up inside CIA by, according to the whistleblower, by [former Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper and [former CIA chief John] Brennan. And it was done so that they could spy on anybody they wanted to, without anybody in the intelligence community or the US government or any other government knowing they were doing it. The programme actually goes… back to 2003, I believe, with you when they first set it up. But [the whistleblower] also said that after that they had a secret operation inside CIA, by this group of people inside CIA looking at the Trump campaign and anybody else they wanted to sign on.
And it was done in that way, because, see, if you go into the NSA data and which the Five Eyes can do that as well, if you do that, anybody going in there, you're tracked and recorded [when you use the surveillance system]. It's wherever you go and what you do. And that's based on the network logs. And also if you do an unmasking, you have to make a request and that's recorded, who did it, what time, what the subject was and what the justification was and what person they were after. So, you know, all that stuff is recorded to go there. But if you set up your own separate one, nobody knows what you're doing. And that's exactly what this [whistleblower] is claiming. I'm pointing to that group as the group that was probably the originator of Guccifer 2.0 and also this fabrication of the entire story of Russiagate."