been on FBI shit list since vietnam. it's called a shit list because they haven't done shit with it. GFY shillfag.
been on FBI shit list since vietnam. it's called a shit list because they haven't done shit with it. GFY shillfag.
except that his generation is the one out rioting and setting fires. i stood in line for 6 hrs to vote for trump in 2016, and
everyone in line with me was a BOOMER. no x-tards. in typical x-tard fashion, cobain believed HIS generation
was the first to figure anything out. newsflash, hippies knew the truth long before gen-x. beatniks knew the truth
long before hippies. yada yada yada. every generation produce woke youth. but when they find out they can't
beat the deepstate on their own, they give up, have kids, and do the only thing they can, keep the flickering flame of truth
from going out.