NO! Make her feel left out so she has something new to scowl about.
An Analysis of a Debate Between Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders
This is a list of moments from the Bernie/Biden debate above, which I felt were significant, written for anyone President Trump has monitoring this site, who might want to pass it on to the debate research team. It is probably 20 minutes of debate to watch out of the two hour debate. Might not be much, but I’ve read the subject is of interest to his prep team, so I will throw my own analysis in there in the event it might find its way to them, and help somewhere.
This may be too much minutia to be rewarding to regular readers, but maybe it will be of interest.
One thing I would preface this with is an observation – Biden’s brain is slowing down, leading him to want to accomplish more than his brain is capable of. There is a reason that produces anger. Frustration is an excellent source of producing anger, and it arises quite simply from being unable to accomplish an objective, especially when you feel you should be able to. I once had to do some fine work with safety goggles, and the only goggles I had on hand were scuffed, and reduced my visual clarity considerably, which reduced my ability to perform the job I had to perform. I noticed as I got frustrated, my mood shifted considerably toward anger, which would have affected all of my interactions, just because I was being thwarted by a physical debility. Biden’s brain cannot work fast, and in this debate he appears to get irritated when his brain tries to follow some complex train of thought, I assume because he is unable to follow it, and that frustrates him, producing anger.
Also, Biden is a lifelong narcissist, so he is well adapted to trying to hide it. It makes it more difficult to analyze him, but if you look close you can see the triggering.