cakebake oldfag on special assngmnt here
freebs knows about it
Next bread (it may be nb's?) I'm reposting a Q drop site summary listing.
Hold off on any bread edits all bakers will discuss thu class the new listings now that qmap ded.
cakebake oldfag on special assngmnt here
freebs knows about it
Next bread (it may be nb's?) I'm reposting a Q drop site summary listing.
Hold off on any bread edits all bakers will discuss thu class the new listings now that qmap ded.
You're a problem solver.
By listing them again you now have a whole new set of eyes potentially seeing them for the very first time.
You're work is complete here, Patriot, lift your head high.
less snark moar cogency if you want to be considered a serious wordsmith around here
describe what makes it so for you it will stimulate healthy discussion and will attract shillage which will provide keks due to the pathetic futility that will be on display
plenty of shillage to take umbrage at in this bread no need to time travel fellow Patriot Anon
it was just a fact based presentation devoid of anything provocative that would justify such an inane outburst
have to admit that i sometimes do things here for ulterior motives worst offense is just phoning it in with a half-ass TYB just to get a sneak peek at what my new id is
sweet I've snackd on it quite often
You coming in straight shot or using an app like OmniChan?
4 second delta, Baby
they jacked the prices up on us because they know we're gonna eat moar very deviously subversive
hey man don't knock beaver pussy you antifa pencil armed geek
I USED TO use OmniChan back on 8ch days can't speak for This Current Day what's hot but someone else surely can.
There's also the straight-shot Last 50 method.
I can tell ya about Last 50 nb or you can also ask other anons about current apps that work.
used to but I could be a nigger teasing you since I haven't used an app since 8ch but OmniChan rocked Toots approved
Last 50 method is your only fren then but it's not bad just can't be /ourkaren/ nitpicky about it