Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 3:34 p.m. No.10660657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0758 >>0998 >>1071 >>1183 >>1306



Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6,



AMERICAN FREE PRESS frequently exposes the noxious collaborators with tyranny who

operate the mainstream media. Now a courageous German former journalist, Dr. Udo

Ulfkotte, has written a powerful new bestselling book that exposes the rampant cooperation

of the “Fourth Estate” with the world’s largest intelligence agencies, trans-Atlantic

organizations, banks, corporations and billionaires, making it into a political “fifth column.”


The book, Gekaufte Journalisten (literally, “Bought Journalists”), is not yet in English, but this

writer interviewed Ulfkotte on October 17 to bring this newspaper’s readers his stunning

revelations. Admitting first his own guilt of participating in the destructive underworld of

journalism, Ulfkotte fearlessly names other collaborators in his latest work and calls for a

return to a free and morally-upright press. The book has garnered worldwide interest, but the

German journalistic establishment is giving it the “silent treatment”—and worse.


Ulfkotte, 54, was raised in a devout Christian family and even educated at a religious school.

During early adulthood, like many young people, he began investigating other beliefs. At the

university in Freiburg in Breisgau he took an interest in law and Islamic studies. He became

fluent in Arabic—important for his future, albeit unintended, career.


During college in the 1980s, Ulfkotte also was recruited into the world of espionage. Prior to

a particular semester break, when he hoped to visit Italy and meet young women, a

professor asked if he would like to attend a two-week seminar in Bonn on the East-West

conflict. This was during the Cold War in a divided Germany. Ulfkotte was not at all

interested, but university professors in Germany were (and are) highly respected. It was

difficult to refuse.


He was promised that his travel would be paid for, as well as lodging and meals, and he

would receive spending money into the bargain. For a young man from poor economic

circumstances, this was too much. Relates Ulfkotte, “I suddenly felt this deep feeling inside

me that I had ‘always’ wanted to go” to such a seminar. Such “innocent” beginnings were the

first bribes, which would draw him ever deeper into a widespread network of corruption and

spying, where no one considered such behavior immoral, but rather “accepted practice.”

No one said, “I’m from the CIA,” or from the Bundesnachrichtendienst ( BND )—the German

intelligence service. But the seminar leaders sorted out “who was communist and who was

pro-Western” among the young attendees. After further similar events, someone asked

Ulfkotte if he would work for the BND—the last thing on his mind. But again, a professor—his

doctoral advisor—pressured him to “think about it.” And once more, a poor boy found a free

automobile and a good salary very attractive.

Upon receiving his doctorate, Ulfkotte—who never studied journalism—was provided a job

as a reporter for the leading conservative German newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine

Zeitung ( FAZ) , hired over hundreds of other applicants. He became a war correspondent in

Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Iran and much of the Middle East, and later an FAZ editor.

Eventually, he did indeed meet agents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), BND,

Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, commonly known as MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section

6), and Israel’s Mossad, who valued his ability to travel freely in countries largely closed to

the West. His editors were knowing accomplices.


Former Journalist Udo Ulfkotte in His Own Words

“I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I’ve been educated to lie, to betray—and

not to tell the truth to the public. . . . The German and American media [is trying] to

bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia. This is a point of no return,

and I am going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to

manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my

colleagues do, and have done in the past, because they are bribed to betray the

people not only in Germany, but all over Europe. . . . I am very fearful of a new war in

Europe, and I don’t [want to see] this situation again. There are always people who

push for war, and this is not only politicians, it is journalists too. We have betrayed

our readers. . . . I’m fed up with this propaganda. We live in a banana republic

[Germany], and not in a democratic country where we have press freedom.” — Udo


Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.10660683   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Levon Affair

The Lavon Affair: When Israel Firebombed U.S. Installations | In their 1979 book, The Untold

History of Israel, Israeli journalists Jacques Derogy and Hesi Carmel relate that in 1954

Israel’s army intelligence section conceived a plan to attack British personnel seconded to

King Hussein’s government in Jordan. The purpose was to sour relations between Britain

and Jordan as well as between both Jordan and Britain on the one hand and Egypt, which

would be blamed for such attacks. …

Within days 11 persons were in custody. They included all members of both the Cairo and

Alexandria sabotage networks and an additional Israeli spy who was not a part of either

network. Only the Israeli spymaster who had set the plan in motion escaped, leading

members of competing Israeli intelligence services to question for years afterward why the

plan’s instigator had been able to slip out of Egypt, but another Israeli agent, whose identity

was known to the instigator, was caught. – Washington Report on Middle East Affairs 1992



JFK assassination

Final Judgment [by Michael Collins Piper] is considered to be one of the definitive books on

the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Through meticulous research, Mike pieced

together multiple disparate theories on who was behind the murder, ultimately placing the

blame for orchestrating this tragic event and the resultant cover-up on the Israeli

government. Not surprisingly, the story is complicated. But, according to Mike, the reason

Kennedy was in the crosshairs was largely due to his unwavering opposition to Israel getting

the atomic bomb. – Christopher J. Petherick 2017



Michael Collins Piper: FINAL JUDGEMENT lecture [Mossad connection to JFK Conspiracy]


1967 USS Liberty attack

Articles about the USS Liberty – If Americans Knew


Remembering the U.S.S. Liberty | The 50 year cover-up of a mass murder of U.S.

servicemen orchestrated by Israel and its friends


Additional Israel Black Ops and False Flags

Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 3:38 p.m. No.10660706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military-Industrial Complex

The Military Industrial Complex was a phrase used by

outgoing President Dwight Eisenhower when warning

of a close relationship between the government and its

defense industry.


Military-Industrial Complex is an unofficial phrase used to signify the "comfortable"

relationship that can develop between government entities (namely defense) and

defense-minded manufacturers/organizations. This union can produce obvious benefits for

both sides - warplanners receiving the tools necessary for waging war (while also furthering

political interests abroad) while defense companies become the recipients of lucrative

multi-million or multi-billion dollar deals.

"War for profit" is not an exclusive approach for modern times as it drove the best and worst

of old Europe for many decades - perhaps best exemplified by the naval arms race seen

between France, Spain and Britain. The driving force behind these initiatives was generally

in out-doing a potential foe and, therefore, forcing the establishment of a large standing

military force to counter the moves of the potential enemy. The modern interpretation of this,

as it relates to the Military-Industrial Complex, is only slightly altered in that the established

military force is now utilized to further global interests - the enemy is no longer another

nation per se but any organization not in line with presented ideals.


At any rate, the theory of a mutually beneficial relationship existing between warplanners

and industry is not unfounded for there is much money to be made in the design and

development process of military goods which precede lucrative production commitments. As

such, a defense contractor can be the recipient of multiple contracts during the lifespan of a

single product leading many of the top firms to find ways to consistently outdo competitors in

an attempt to maintain their own respective bottom lines in the boardroom and appease



The phrase Military-Industrial Complex was first used in an American report at the turn of the

20th Century and later immortalized by outgoing United States President Dwight D.

Eisenhower during his January 17, 1961 farewell address to the nation. In his speech,

Eisenhower cited the "Military-Industrial Complex" as a grave warning to the American

people based on his experiences of an unlimited wartime economy coupled with a political

environment as witnessed during, and after, World War 2 (1939-1945) - the warning being to

not let the military-industrial establishment dictate America's actions at home or abroad for

such unchecked power would begin to usurp the inherent freedoms found in the very fabric

of our nation. The original usage appeared as Military-Industrial Congressional Complex but

this was later - rather ironically - revised to exclude its reference to the American Congress.


Since October of 2006, has existed to keep a running tally of

those American defense contracts (at least those publicly revealed by the United States

Department of Defense) in an attempt to keep an accurate value of defense expenditures for

the interested reader. Despite the rather apparent transparency, the listed contracts do not

necessarily represent the entire breadth of U.S. defense spending for not all might be

publicly announced/presented. Our database can, however, be used to present a basic

outline and, perhaps, be utilized in predicting the next great American conflict or educating

the average American in the direction of his/her government.

Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.10660718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0956 >>1071 >>1183 >>1306

US Issues Sweeping Travel Warning For China & HK: "Arbitrary Detention & Prolonged Interrogations"


In the latest move taking aim at China over the Hong Kong national security law, and part of the broader tit-for-tat being waged between diplomats, the Trump administration is again telling American citizens they are at risk of “arbitrary detention” and “arbitrary enforcement of local laws” if they travel to Hong Kong or mainland China.


A newly updated State Department advisory warns that China imposes “arbitrary detention and exit bans” in order to compel cooperation with investigations in order to “gain bargaining leverage over foreign governments,” as well as pressure Chinese nationals abroad to return.


The advisory states further: “U.S. citizens traveling or residing in the [People's Republic of China] or Hong Kong, may be detained without access to U.S. consular services or information about their alleged crime. U.S. citizens may be subjected to prolonged interrogations and extended detention without due process of law.”


China “unilaterally and arbitrarily exercises police and security power in Hong Kong” it says of the semi-autonomous city-state. It warns that US citizens are “strongly cautioned to be aware of their surroundings and avoid demonstrations.”


However, following the worst of the coronavirus pandemic appearing to be long gone in China, with the United States now for months being the global epicenter, the State Department reduced its travel advisory for China from level 4 (or "Do not travel") to a less ominous level 3 (or "reconsider travel").


The Chinese foreign ministry slammed the new advisory on Tuesday, calling it “unwarranted political manipulation”. Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said, “China has always protected the safety and legal rights of foreigners in China in accordance with law. China is one of the safest countries in the world.”


“Of course, foreigners in China also have an obligation to abide by Chinese laws,” he added.


Recently a couple of high profile Australian citizens, one of which works as a television anchor for a Chinese state news agency, were detained in China have had little to no access to lawyers or outside communications.

Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 3:48 p.m. No.10660772   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The ‘Coffee Boy’ Makes Peace in the Middle East


Trump's negotiators buck the wisdom that led to decades of bipartisan failure


Avi Berkowitz's elevation to a top negotiating position on President Donald Trump's Middle East peace team was met with near-universal derision by so-called experts and the mainstream press.


Martin Indyk, who served as ambassador to Israel under President Bill Clinton, mocked the appointment of Jared Kushner's onetime "assistant." The Brookings Institution’s Natan Sachs declared the then 29-year-old Berkowitz "young and inexperienced." The media were less diplomatic: Politico derided Berkowitz as Kushner's "mini-me"; Vanity Fair dubbed him a "coffee boy."


On Tuesday, Trump oversaw the signing of the Kushner- and Berkowitz-orchestrated Abraham Accords that officially normalized relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, as well as an agreement between Israel and Bahrain—the first such deals in over four decades. Pretty good for a coffee boy.


Criticisms of Berkowitz and Kushner were never about their age or experience, given that they came from the same crowd that celebrated the ascendance of the 30-something failed novelist Ben Rhodes to the highest reaches of power in the previous administration.


Rather, the criticisms were about the unwillingness of the two men, publicly Jewish and proudly Zionist, to kowtow to the same tired experts who have made their careers pushing the same conventional wisdom that produced nothing but stalemate. The success of the youthful Berkowitz on a project where the so-called experts have met little success is all the more proof of the intellectual bankruptcy of the experts President Donald Trump has so often dismissed—in this case, rightly so.


The fundamental mistake of the peace process, and of the cadres of experts who have made that process into lifetime appointments to a revolving door of government, think tank, and academic jobs, is the idea that the solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict is peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. But such a peace remains as far out of reach as it ever was. In the meantime, the Trump administration has secured a great victory in the ongoing quest for peace between Israel and its neighbors—the lack of which was and remains the true threat to global security and the true threat to American interests in the region.


This Chabad member wants to bring America back to moral law AKA Noahide law where you get your head chopped off for believing in Jesus

Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 3:51 p.m. No.10660805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What are the Punishments for Transgressing the 7 Noahide Laws?


From Melachim uMilchamot – Chapter 9:14:


A gentile who transgresses these seven commands shall be executed by decapitation. For this reason, all the inhabitants of Shechem were obligated to die. Shechem kidnapped. They observed and were aware of his deeds, but did not judge him.


A gentile is executed on the basis of the testimony of one witness and the verdict of a single judge. No warning is required. Relatives may serve as witnesses. However, a woman may not serve as a witness or a judge for them.

From Melachim uMilchamot – Chapter 9:2:


A gentile who worships false gods is liable provided he worships them in an accepted manner.


A gentile is executed for every type of foreign worship which a Jewish court would consider worthy of capital punishment. However, a gentile is not executed for a type of foreign worship which a Jewish court would not deem worthy of capital punishment. Nevertheless, even though a gentile will not be executed for these forms of worship, he is forbidden to engage in all of them.

From Wikipedia:


The Talmud lists the punishment for blaspheming the Ineffable Name of God as death. The sons of Noah are to be executed by decapitation for most crimes,[25] considered one of the lightest capital punishments,[26] by stoning if he has intercourse with a Jewish betrothed woman,[27] or by strangulation if the Jewish woman has completed the marriage ceremonies, but had not yet consummated the marriage.[27]

From the Talmud:


רב הונא ורב יהודה וכולהו תלמידי דרב אמרי על שבע מצות בן נח נהרג גלי רחמנא בחדא והוא הדין לכולהו


Rav Huna, Rav Yehuda, and all of the other students of Rav say: A descendant of Noah is executed for transgressing any of the seven Noahide mitzvot; the Merciful One revealed this punishment with regard to one mitzva, the prohibition of bloodshed, and the same is true with regard to all of them.





Prospectives on Noahide Laws Chapter 5:


The Noahide laws are generally held to be so evident and normal that one cannot plead ignorance or lack of warning to be exempt from liability for their non-observance[40]. The theoretical punishment of the Torah for transgression of the Noahide laws is death, although such a penalty could only be enforced at a time when the great Sanhedrin, the Jewish High Court, convened in its place on the Temple Mount[41], and it seems that even when that was the case, this penalty was almost never carried out. The significance of the theoretical death penalty in general, whether for Jew or non-Jew, is given in the words of Rashi, namely that “one has transgressed the will of one’s Creator”[42]. In the case of the Noahide laws, it is that the very purpose for which a human was created, namely to settle the world peacefully has been contradicted and, and so also the essential point of the human being’s existence has been vitiated[43].

Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 3:58 p.m. No.10660866   🗄️.is 🔗kun



History of Israeli Tech Domination | Israel has violated US law by re-exporting US military

technology to China, yet they have never beared any consequences.


Talpiot & the Multipolar World Order | Through Israel’s Talpiot and espionage operations,

Israel is able to dominate the high tech sector globally. “Talpiot was intended to give Israel a

homegrown military edge, but it is also a contributing factor to its edge in biotech, high-tech

and academia [ISRAEL21c, 2012].” “The unit also has to help Israel stay ahead of the United

States and other large countries with strong militaries [Times of Israel, 2016].”


Talpiot allows Israel to take US technology and hand it to Russia, China, and beyond, with

zero repercussions. Its foundation can literally be found in a recent Congressional bill,

‘S.2497 – United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018‘. By law, the

US “shares” technology with Israel all under the guise of ensuring Israel’s national security.

How Israel totally dominates cyber security and has planted high level corporate spys all

over the world via their Talpiot Program run under Israeli military intelligence.

Jeremy Rothe-Kushel | Talpiot and Unit 8200: The Global Cyber Agenda for Kill-Switch



Kill Switch - Israel & Microsoft "Oh My" Part One

Kill Switch - Unit 8200 parties in New York "PWD"


[The Antedote podcast] How The Talpiot Program Works

Talpiot Talk #2: The Foundation Of The Talpiot Program Is In This Congressional Bill


Israeli Drones World Wide – Brendon O’Connell 2018



Power And How It Rules From Israel, You Must Understand These Words – “THE TALPIOT

PROGRAM” and “THE TECHNION” – Brendon O’Connell 2016


Book] Israel’s Edge: The Story of The IDF’s Most Elite Unit – Talpiot by Jason Gewirtz |

Israel’s Edge contains dozens of interviews with Talpiot graduates and some of the early

founders of the program. It explains Talpiot’s highly successful recruiting methods and

discloses many of the secrets of the program’s success. The book also profiles some of the

most successful businesses founded by Talpiot graduates including CheckPoint, Compugen,

Anobit, recently bought by Apple, and XIV, recently bought by IBM. No other military unit has

had more of an impact on the State of Israel and no other unit will have more of an impact in

the years ahead.

Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.10660900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0956 >>1071 >>1183 >>1306



History of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology



Why Israel rocks at commercializing academic innovations | Universities worldwide are

looking to emulate Israel’s tech-transfer magic. – ISRAEL21c 2018

Higher Education Forms Bedrock of Israel’s Success | As Israel’s population grows rapidly,

its higher education system has followed suit. – Atlanta Jewish Times 2018



Technion Tour Highlights Economic Triangle Of China, Israel, NY | Anyone doubting the

impact of the Tech Triangle as a new world order in technology leadership should have been

at the Technion World Tour 2017 in New York City. At a four-day program highlighting

science and technology innovations, the tech trio markets of Israel, China and New York

were highlighted. – Forbes 2017



Technion UK | Technion UK is the leading British organisation promoting education, science

and technology through the support of the Technion.


An academic-tech combo packs Israel’s China punch | “The GTIIT,” he said, “combines the

innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of Israel and the Technion with the unbelievable scale

and resources of China to form a major research institute that will help Israel, China and the

world at large.” – The Jewish Star 2017,1


Technion opens Israel’s first university campus in China – Jerusalem Post 2017



Israel to invest USD 68.6 million to boost cooperation with India | “Technion-Israel Institute of

Technology would also be signing an agreement with Ministry of Science and Technology,

sources here said.” – The Tribune India 2018



Technion American Medical School | With a dual focus on research and clinical studies,

Technion’s mission is to advance knowledge in life and medical sciences, improve health

care, and train compassionate clinicians, researchers and teachers. This unique medical

degree program boasts an unparalleled focus on research, intimate class size, and a diverse

study body.

Israel and the U.S: Partners in Science

[Jon Swinn] IDC Herzliya: An Institutional Cornerstone In Building A High Tech Superpower



Yandex Partners With Tel Aviv University to Launch AI Study Program, Scholarships | The

Russian technology company will launch the Yandex Machine Learning Initiative, offering

courses in artificial intelligence and financial support to students and faculty,7340,L-3730256,00.html


Tel Aviv University’s smart artificial intelligence program | Scientists and other researchers

are working on several machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) projects.


Globerson, a researcher at TAU’s Blavatnik School of Computer Science, is heading the

university’s new Yandex Initiative for Machine Learning, which is augmenting the number of

AI/ML course offerings at TAU and supporting research in the field. Yandex is the largest

technology company in Russia and one of the largest Internet search engines worldwide.

According to Globerson, Yandex’s founder Arkady Volozh believes so much in growing the

AI/ML field out of Israel that he spearheaded Yandex’s funding of the program. …

IN ONE EXAMPLE, TAU recently signed a cooperation agreement for joint research in

“Smart Cities and Digital Living” with Stanford University, which draws heavily on big data

and machine learning. The five-year grant, funded by the Koret Foundation of San

Francisco, is bringing together leading scholars and scientists from TAU with their

counterparts at Stanford to advance multidisciplinary, basic and applied research in data

science that enhances the quality of life, safety and efficiency of cities, while supporting

communications across people and organizations.


Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.10660933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0956 >>0957 >>0984 >>0989 >>1071 >>1183 >>1306

CLAIM: Pharma giant Gilead sent death threats to French doctor for telling the world that hydroxychloroquine cures COVID-19


French scientist Dr. Didier Raoult, who successfully cured at least 80 Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), has come forward with claims that Gilead Sciences, Inc., a “deep state”-run biopharmaceutical company with ties to Donald Rumsfeld, recently sent him death threats for telling the world about this simple, inexpensive cure for the plandemic.


Testifying before parliament, Dr. Raoult explained that he has received numerous death threats over his findings, which showed a 91 percent success rate among more than 1,000 Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients who were cured after taking a regimen of HCQ combined with the antibiotic drug azithromycin.


At the time when he first started receiving these death threats, Dr. Raoult says he filed a public complaint for “acts of intimidation against a public service official,” prompting an investigating by the French Judiciary. More recently, he testified under oath that the person who sent him these death threats is from Gilead Pharmaceuticals.


“Professor Raoult testified that, shortly after he started to talk about HCQ as a treatment, in March, he received anonymous death threats,” reports explain. “He filed a complaint with the police, and an enquiry was opened by the French judiciary.”


“The medical doctor behind the threats was found and happens to be from a Nantes university hospital,” these same reports add. “It happened to be the person who received the most money from Gilead over the past six years.”


You can peruse more news about Big Pharma’s assault on HCQ and other cures by checking out

CLAIM: Gilead has dark history of “bioterrorism,” used Pentagon to bomb competitor’s factory


As you may recall, Dr. Raoult was extremely outspoken against the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) after it published a fake science study claiming that HCQ is ineffective and dangerous. He openly called out the journal for publishing clearly “sloppy” research filled with false claims against the generic anti-malaria drug.


For daring to tell the truth time and time again, Dr. Raoult remains in the crosshairs of Big Pharma, which is doing everything it can to stifle HCQ while propping up its competitor, remdesivir, along with the future Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines that are set to be released under President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program.


As Great Game India reports, “Gilead Science has a dark history of allegations of bioterrorism, including having Pentagon to bomb a competitors factory under the false pretext of association with Al-Qaeda.”


The World Health Organization (WHO) is also linked to Gilead’s corruption, having played a role in spreading fake science not only about HCQ but about the plandemic in general. Back in 2009 during the infamous H1N1 “swine flu” outbreak, the WHO was secretly taking its orders from Big Pharma companies like Gilead, which ordered the United Nations arm to declare a false pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.10660977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1071 >>1183 >>1306



To understand this network is to understand the influential role this network has played on

the most significant events in the first half in the 20th Century.

The Woodrow Wilson presidency cemented the power of his powerful Jewish supporters.

From the founding of the Federal Reserve system we have seen their roles and agendas

play out in WW1 & 2., the Bolshevik Revolution, the Christian Zionist movement, and in

groups such as the ADL and NAACP.

Anonymous ID: 6956b6 Sept. 15, 2020, 4:11 p.m. No.10661000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1005

Why We Get Into Fights When Sharing Information


We’re in a time when mainstream media and traditional conversations are failing to address a number of important topics within society, anything from current events to politics and so on, and this is birthing a great deal of ‘alternative conversation’ that often stems from alternative media.


But with this, comes to the common ‘fight’ between various ideas and ideologies that is much more avoidable than we often realize. I wanted to share a quick tid bit from a recent episode discussing how we can reflect to develop better communication and connection faculties that can make a big difference in how we communicate important ideas that are emerging without creating such huge divides ad tension.