comment on The Conservative Treehouse:
dilonsfo says:
September 15, 2020 at 6:42 pm
President Trump looked at the problems in the Middle East and saw that we (USA) have been doing the same thing over and over through multiple Presidencies to try and bring peace to that area. He must have asked himself why a different approach had not been tried. I imagine he concluded the answer was because each Presidency cycled through the same old advisers and saw that money was the always the prize rather than peace between nations. The talking points were always the same and war was always the results. The USA became the enemy. He solved this problem by establishing that the USA was not just going to mouth support for Israel but he actually did something to let the world know our friendship was not just pretty hollow words. By moving our embassy to Jerusalem, allowing Israel to build settlements in the West Bank and in general supporting the expansion of control of Palestinian claimed land. President Trump wanted to set up a Palestinian State, that once again, was denounced by the PLO as “not enough” and rejected the plan. President Trump forged ahead anyway. He brought in a new advisor from outside Washington D.C., Jared Kushner and gave him the authority to act on his behalf. Meanwhile, he danced with the old, rehashed advisors and while they were dancing he had Kushner doing the journeyman work. The old, DC entrenched advisors were outraged (and quietly embarrassed) their approach was rejected. Meanwhile behind the scenes, peace began breaking out among nations.
When Arab nations saw that the USA was just not “talking” but physically doing something in the area while by pulling troops out of Arab nations, severely punishing those (ISIS) who attacked the USA and moving solidly against Iran, whose armies and money were helping destabilize the area. Once they determined that the USA was serious about letting the Middle East Arab nations control their own future, Arab nations began moving toward the side of the USA plans rather the Palestinians, Hezbollah and Iran.
It is obvious that the Middle East nations saw that President Trump backed up his words with actions. No longer was the USA drawing red lines in the sand only to move them when they were crossed. President Trump began treating nations as individual countries that had the right to forge ahead, creating their own destinies and looking to create wealth, stability, growth and peace in their areas of influence without the USA interfering with threats of war and actual armed conflict.
These actions and new ways of thinking is why President Trump is the greatest Presidential leader since Abraham Lincoln, and perhaps considering the complexities of the world he has to deal with, the greatest Presidential leader of all times. Also, one has to consider the President Trump has to deal with the crookedest and mont entrenched group of liars in congress the United States has ever experienced. In my opinion, there is no contest: President Trump is the greatest Presidential leader this country has ever had.