Anonymous ID: 6a2856 Sept. 15, 2020, 5:36 p.m. No.10661746   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Every night at dinner, wifeanon and I take turns saying grace before the meal. We are both not very good at it and always preface the prayer with "bless this food which we are about to receive". The prayer is usually larded with a few "um"s and "sorry Lord, I meant"s.


One meal about a year ago it was her turn and she froze and couldn't think of anything after "bless this food which we are about to receive…" so she said "and world peace" really fast with a little smile.


Ever since then, we always end the grace prayer with "and world peace". Today it seems like we are getting those prayers answered along with everyone else who prayed for world peace either in jest or with passion.


God Bless Trump.