Anonymous ID: 80f60c Sept. 15, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.10661396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1412 >>1418 >>1505 >>1578 >>1644 >>1646 >>1668 >>1675 >>1753 >>1779 >>1838 >>1881 >>1919 >>2054

With my digs into Gematria, I came across something INCREDIBLE that no one has caught so far! Thank you to K for noticing this with me!


"Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony"


Let's first start at


You can see potus put the pen in his hand…. (FOLLOW THE PEN) and look up, I'll call this one, "ARE YOU FOLLOWING"? Watch the Pen the entire time. Watch UAE FA's Pen the Entire Time! Watch UAE Crown Pen the entire time! Also notice Who's pen ISN'T moving


  1. At 40:13 Potus puts the Pen down on the Table facing 12-6 O-clock. Look at BEBE Notice! (QCLOCK?)


  1. Notice BEBE CONSTANTLY look at the pen sitting there on the table.


  1. Notice everyone constantly focus and concentrate on the location of their pens of themselves and others.


4.t 41:05 Potus picks up his pen and Gives it to UAE FA


5.UAE FA Puts HIS Original Pen on his Right side within Arms Reach of POTUS at 41:12 and his pen on his left.


  1. 41:24 Potus Notices and catalogs location of pen


  1. at 41:26 Potus Gestures with a finger pointed at the ground… for a his pen location


8 At 41:29 She comes over and points to his new location of his handedOff Pen. Notice UAE FA Smile and Demanor go from Solom to a Giggling schoolgirl with huge smile on his face


  1. At 41:30 Potus Picks up his"new" pen and signs the next document.


  1. at 41:38 UAE FA gives strange Blinking motions with his eyes in agreement and anchoring with his hands and points! with Thumbs up!


11: At 42:10 UAE FA Fully Anchors his pen in his hands with a HUGE smile.


12 42:38 UAE FA Stands up and holds pen up says something, Potus Gives him folder Massive Giggles from UAE FA


  1. at 42:54 Potus Gives the Pen to UAE Crown


  1. As the attempted handoff was commencing Green dress stated "ONE MORE!" at 42:55 Notice BB's Face


  1. UAE Receives Pen by POTUS at 42:55 and looks down at it


  1. Notice how Close BEBE Keeps his pens, they aren't sitting on the table, he puts them in his pocket 42:18


  1. 42:25 Notice Nothing in BEBE's hands


  1. 42:55 White house Press Feed Cuts to a Corner Shot to protect something situational.


  1. 42:57 Bebe puts something small in his left pocket as the shot corners, Focuses on Trump who notices, UAE FA notices as well while Crown is focusing on Pen given


20 UAE Crown Looks down at pen or whatever he was just given


  1. UAE seems to look down and to the right at his lower right hip with no pocket seen, Was something taken out at 42:59 Also Notice BEBE looking intently at the UAE.


  1. Notice from before the Camera change to After UAE Crown on the left pen stays in the same location on the table


  1. Shot goes back to the front facing as risk is averted. It seems also a small amount of time has passed from before the shot changed to after


  1. at 43:01 Potus requests a new pen from Green Dress


  1. Notice at 43:09 UAE FA Unability to control his joy.


  1. at 43:20 BeBe Pen Deployment from his jacket pocket


27 at 44:03 BeBe's hyper focus on own pen


  1. at 44:34 Bebe puts his pen away


  1. Potus Pen on table at 44:41 and at 44:50 Potus picks up his pen


  1. at 44:56 Potus again hands his pen to UAE FA


  1. at 44:58 UAE FA Receives Pen from Potus


32 UAE at 45:00 UAE FA picks up his pen from the table, switches the one that was given to him with the one from the table and gives it back to potus.


33: at 45:05 Potus receives pen from UAE FA and puts it in his pocket


34: at 45:06 UAE FA Pockets his new pen!


NOW… What happened here? Exchange of information? I would say the requirement for likely a secondary camera and hookup to Absolutely be something at heavy risk. Was this NFC technology? Something bigger A NSA capture of information to report for future intelligence? A Bug?

Anonymous ID: 80f60c Sept. 15, 2020, 5:35 p.m. No.10661740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1745


Maybe try again,


Autist with ADHD,


Didn't you see my fuck up last bread with the fucking timestamps? Working off a live feed then they cut the video…


Do you think China or Israel would put up with that kind of insubordination? LOL.