Anonymous ID: 2865fc Sept. 15, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.10663179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3383

One America News has been reporting, from the get-go, EVERYTHING and it remains suppressed.

Mr. President: Can't have Hannity & Dobbs do a town hall with you due to the COMMUNIST control of mass media, correct? Therefore, Please DO IT, Sir. Do a Town Hall with REAL NEWS People, so that half of the TV-watching country can wonder why they can't view it because Communist-controlled, MONOPOLIZING "providers' refuse to cally it.


"This is beyond socialism. This is a word that starts with a C, not an S." -President Donald J. Trump, 9.13.20

Must keep hammering this because POTUS would only get attacked more than he already does, and McCarthy did, combined X1000.

Anonymous ID: 2865fc Sept. 15, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.10663590   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon misunderstood post. It was to POTUS, who sees every word here.

Haven't watched it in decades - not even POTUS when he's on them now. Just can't stomach it. Have had to be in house with it on, but that's it.

Fox is nothing more than Entertainment. The whole concept is part of the problem, and why people think OANN and its straight news reporting are "boring".

Believe it's why the daytime OAN anchors all seem to sound the same - it's about the INFO - not the talking heads themselves, their emotions, and chronic "identifying" music chimes…

Have to introduce the masses to being informed; Expose them to what NEWS Reporting is. Problem is, how to know to seek legitimate news while weaning off of being entertained non-stop.

Personal experience is: Can't show them. Anything. They won't even look. They have to see it on their TVs and/or fakebook feeds.