Anonymous ID: 152c50 Sept. 16, 2020, 2:38 a.m. No.10665765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Armstrong economics this morning:


Michael Jarrod Bakkela, 41, was charged with two counts of arson and additional crimes for allegedly setting a fire earlier this week in southern Oregon, while the region was already beset with the Almeda Fire.


It appears from our cyclical models that this fire was deliberately set to further this Great Reset. Like the COVID-19 pandemic that also did not make sense cyclically, these fires appear to be the same scenario where they were deliberately set.


They have expanded from California all the way up but magically stop at the Canadian border. Additional arrests have been made regarding arson to start these fires.


While September/October is the normal cyclical period for wildfires on the west coast, the extent of these fires is by no means natural.


There are around 100 separate fires on the west coast. They are too spread out and it appears cyclically that this may be another orchestrated plot to justify the Great Reset because they are immediately blaming this on climate change…. MORE AT ARMSTRONGECONOMICS.COM