Anonymous ID: 38f3f8 Sept. 16, 2020, 6:03 a.m. No.10666524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rank-and-File Democrats Revolting Against Nancy Pelosi over Coronavirus Aid


Guys you know always says, the Dems always stick together, well that’s cracking, they’re actually speaking publicly about their disagreement with Pelosi—this is great


Rank-and-file Democrats have increasingly become frustrated with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) brinksmanship-style negotiations with congressional Republicans and President Donald Trump.


Politico reported that Pelosi has continued to pursue her hardline approach in negotiations with Republicans, demanding a coronavirus bill around $2.2 trillion.


The report arises as many coronavirus programs created by the CARES Act have languished over Pelosi’s reluctance to compromise with Trump and congressional Republicans.


However, her reluctance to find a middle ground with moderate Democrats has infuriated many of her most vulnerable members.


Senate Democrats rejected a targeted coronavirus aid bill sponsored by Senate Republicans last week.


During a call with the moderate New Democrat Coalition and Democrat leadership on Tuesday, Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY) asked Pelosi why the House would not stay in session until they pass a deal. In response, the Speaker said to “take a poll of your colleagues.”


Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), who represents a district Trump won in 2016 by more than six percent, said during the call, “My conviction is to actually do my goddamn job and come up with a solution for the American people. We have to bring something to the floor.”


House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the second highest-ranking Democrat, has pushed for Pelosi to change her strategy but said he would not “undermine” Pelosi.


Rep. Max Rose (D-NY), another swing district Democrat, said, “Every member of the leadership team, Democrats and Republicans, have messed up. Everyone is accountable. Get something done. Get something done!”


In response to concerned Democrats, Pelosi said, “A skinny deal is not a deal. It is a Republican bill.”


“We can wait around forever for the proposal we think is the perfect proposal, and that obviously won’t be helpful to anybody. Time is of the essence here,” Rep. Jason Crow, a freshman swing district Democrat, said.


Rep. Kendra Horn (D-OK), a freshman swing district Democrat, said, “What truly ‘falls short’ is doing nothing. It is flatly unacceptable that congressional leadership is not at the table when businesses are closing, Americans are out of work, and families need help. The political games have to stop.”

Anonymous ID: 38f3f8 Sept. 16, 2020, 6:09 a.m. No.10666564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6658 >>6720

Joe Biden’s Campaign App Exposes Data on 191 Million Americans


I wonder of this was intentional, like selling the data of americans


A bug was recently discovered in Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s official campaign app that allowed anyone to access sensitive voter information on millions of Americans. The privacy breach reportedly affects 191 million Americans.


TechCrunch reports that a recent study by the App Analyst, a mobile computing expert that reviews and investigates apps, found a major issue in Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s official campaign app. The campaign app, Vote Joe, allows Biden supporters to encourage friends and family members to vote in the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November by uploading their phone’s contact lists to see if their friends and family members have registered to vote.


The app matches the users’ contacts with voter data supplied from the political marketing firm TargetSmart which claims to have files on more than 191 million Americans. When the app finds a match, it displays the voter’s name, age, birthday, and which recent election they voted in. The app claims that this helps users “find people you know and encourage them to get involved.”


The App Analyst found that they could trick the app into collecting anyone’s information by creating a contact on his phone with the voter’s name. The analyst told TechCrunch that the app also pulls in a lot more data than it displays. By intercepting the data that is sent between the device and the app’s servers, the analyst saw more detailed and private information of voters including their home address, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, and political party affiliation.


The Biden campaign has reportedly issued an update to fix the bug. Matt Hill, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign, told TechCrunch: “We were made aware about how our third-party app developer was providing additional fields of information from commercially available data that was not needed. We worked with our vendor quickly to fix the issue and remove the information. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our staff, volunteers and supporters will always work with our vendors to do so.”


TargetSmart claimed that a “limited amount of publicly or commercially available data” was accessible to other users. TargetSmart has previously found itself at the center of a data leak scandal. In 2017, a voter file complied by TargetSmart on nearly 600,000 voters in Alaska was left on an exposed server with no password, and in 2018 TechCrunch reported that almost 15 million records on Texas voters were found on an exposed server just months ahead of U.S. midterm elections.

Anonymous ID: 38f3f8 Sept. 16, 2020, 6:15 a.m. No.10666592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6610

WATCH: Over 7,000 Participate in ‘Laredo Trump Train’ Event


How is with all the boat, car, truck, golf cart and other Trump train event, can anyone believe Biden is ahead in the polls? Touting Biden is the biggest con of the media in history, to make people think Biden could ever win


Thousands of President Donald Trump’s supporters came together for a parade in downtown Laredo, Texas, on Saturday.


“We had a great, peaceful event with over 4,000 vehicles participating and over 7,000 people participating in the event,” organizer and National Border Patrol Council Vice President Hector Garza told the Laredo Morning Times.


“We opened up the event by honoring God in prayer and honoring the U.S. flag with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Laredo Trump Train expanded for over 15 miles along IH-35, Bob Bullock Loop and Del Mar,” he continued.


Webb County Republican Chairman Bill Young said it was one of the largest political events he had ever witnessed.


“It was amazing. We are going to turn Webb County red as we are going to win Webb County,” he noted.


Over 95 of the event’s participants were from Laredo, according to Garza.


“The Laredo Trump Train did not reach out to any outside organizations to participate in this event. The Laredo Trump Train event invitation was only posted in Laredo,” he explained.


The group’s Facebook page said it had more than 6,000 members.


“All aboard the Laredo Trump Train! Together we will Keep America Great!” the page read.


Video posted on YouTube Monday showed a massive line of cars decked out with American flags and Trump 2020 flags as people honked and waved:

Anonymous ID: 38f3f8 Sept. 16, 2020, 6:20 a.m. No.10666632   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jerry Brown Mocks People Who Want to Leave California: ‘Where Are You Going to Go?


Democrats are idiots, maybe people will go anywhere else that doesn’t have earthquake faults that will eventually dump ÇA in the ocean, or somewhere their governments doesn’t start fires because the steal all the money, or where homeless people are allowed to roam free with disease, or where China doesn’t own most of your state, or where illegal aliens live better than Americans there. Just about anywhere is better. And it’s not climate change assholes


Former California Governor Jerry Brown mocked the idea of leaving California in an interview published by the New York Times on Monday, saying that the problems of climate change were global and could not be avoided.


Brown, 82, left office in 2019 after his fourth term. He made climate change his focus throughout his last two terms, often making alarmist claims — such as falsely claiming the ocean would flood LAX, or blaming climate change for wildfires.


From his family ranch, Brown spoke with the Times:


“You might say, ‘We are getting out of here — we are going someplace else,’” Mr. Brown, 82, said. “No. There are going to be problems everywhere in the United States. This is the new normal. It’s been predicted and it’s happening. This is part of the new long-term experience.”


“Tell me: Where are you going to go?” Mr. Brown continued. “What’s your alternative? Maybe Canada. You’re going to go to places like Iowa, where you have intensifying tornadoes? The fact is, we have a global crisis that has been mounting and the scientists have been telling us about. For the most part, it’s been ignored. Now we have a graphic example.”


Scientists have warned that climate change could lead to longer fire seasons, but also say that the major factor in recent forest has been the overabundance of fuel, the result of a century of poor forest management.


The Times noted: “Mr. Brown acknowledged that the devastating fires were partly the result of the failure of the state and the federal government to thin forests, which are now filled with trees that died in the drought — fuel for the fires.”


As governor, Brown also mocked those who left California to find more favorable economic conditions in states with lower taxes and fewer regulations. “We’ve got a few problems, we have lots of little burdens and regulations and taxes,” he said in 2014. “But smart people figure out how to make it.”

Anonymous ID: 38f3f8 Sept. 16, 2020, 6:31 a.m. No.10666718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6739 >>6741 >>6746

God I love this guy


Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy told Sean Hannity he believes Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has consumed Tide Pod laundry detergent Tuesday night.


“Sean, with respect, there are times, particularly recently, when I think Speaker Pelosi is one of those people who tried Tide pods,”

Kennedy told the Fox News host. “I want you to think about what she proposed today, this is what the speaker is threatening to do


“She is threatening to keep the House Democrats in session and prevent them from going home and running for reelection unless the Senate Republicans agree to the speaker’s $3.4 trillion coronavirus bill.”


“On the one hand we can vote for Pelosi’s $3.4 trillion bill or we can agree to allow her to put the House Democratic majority into jeopardy. That’s just bone deep down to the marrow foolish ” Kennedy continued.


“Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi aren’t going to agree to anything until we agree to spend a trillion dollars bailing out New York and California and that’s not going to happen in your or my natural life,” Kennedy added.