Anonymous ID: 805d11 Sept. 16, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.10666069   🗄️.is đź”—kun




History isn't what You were taught. GOD WINS Regardless.





Faced with the death penalty for high treason, courageous men debated long before they picked up the quill pen to sign the parchment that declared the independence of the colonies from the mother country. For many hours they had debated in the State House at Philadelphia, with the lower chamber doors locked and a guard posted–when suddenly a voice rang out from the balcony. A burst of eloquence to the keynote,"God has given America to be free!"ended with the delegates rushing forward to sign. … The American Patriots then turned to express their gratitude to the unknown speaker.The speaker was not in the balcony; he was not to be found anywhere.How he entered and left the locked and guarded room is not known.No one knows to this day who HE was.


Greek mythology perpetuates the knowledge of a blessed land beyond the Western Boundaries of Ocean. In this blessed land dwelt the Hesperides, the beautiful daughters of Night, and here also at the end of each day the sun came to rest. In popular mythology the Hesperic Isles were a kind of terrestrial paradise.Thus, under a thin veil of mystic symbolism, was concealed the account of a Western continent of great size, fertile and rich and abounding in all good things.


By the wisdom then of those gods who are eternally vigilant over the needs of man, the blessed lands of the west were set apart, for none of the great civilizations of the past rose in North America to overshadow the continent with the ruins of old tradition, or to set up the corruptions of old administrative policy.Foreign nations came to this continent in times long ago;but they formed no permanent settlements nor attempted any program of colonization. And so the soil was not impoverished by thousands of years of intensive cultivation, nor were the natural resources ravished to supply the substance to maintain endless wars and ageless feuds.


It was the rise of the democratic dream in Europe that supplied the beginning of western civilization. Those in search of a promised land turned to the west. Here was a virgin continent populated only by nomadic Indian tribes, a vast territory suitable in every way for the great human experiment of the democratic commonwealth. By the nineteenth century theAmerican Hesperideswas definitely the land of golden opportunity, and to it came streams of immigration from nearly every country on the earth. The better way of life drew them here, for it had been established that here men could build a future free of tyranny, intolerance, and enforced

poverty.Here all were given opportunity for education, for free enterprise, and living a life according to the dictates of hope and conscience.