Anonymous ID: ffb335 Sept. 16, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.10666067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6083



Enjoying the convo.


If you haven't already, i'd strongly recommend reading this book written on Viktor Schauberger's work.


Living Energies by Calum Coats

(Is available on a few places as PDF to download)

It entails Schaubergers life works and theories, and there is a key underlying tone to Viktor and his work and how he came across his knowledge through synchronising with nature. His theories have the power to change the world and history as we know it, but where suppressed like the rest of them. But the general context of him and his work, i feel answers a lot of our discussion points.

Anonymous ID: ffb335 Sept. 16, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.10666088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6097 >>6100 >>6194 >>6425 >>6514



Tesla was a visionary, he was connected to the source and he explained how. His force was electricity that powers us all.


Schauberger was a visionary, he was connected to the source and he explained how. His force was water that is the foundation of life.


Arguably the two of them understood the two most critical aspects of existence. Both shared extremely similar viewpoints about belief and understanding, and tapping into nature directly for insight.


Reading their theoretical work continually makes me enormously sad, because these beings of true knowledge gifted to us for the advancement of humankind to live free, and it was over 100 years ago.

Anonymous ID: ffb335 Sept. 16, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.10666120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6148



'What has been will be again. What has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun'.


The power is in the collective consciousness, as both alluded to. Everything that can be manifest is there, we just need to conceive it and it will return.


I'm a firm believer that we the fundamental floor to science is that they believe nothing can exist as true unless it is proven, when if we simply flipped that to believer everything is possible until its proven not, then we will unlock the windfall of knowledge as a collective conscious.

Anonymous ID: ffb335 Sept. 16, 2020, 4:58 a.m. No.10666196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6220



Yes and no - the 'concepts' always exist in the aether. We must manifest it into reality. 'Thoughts create reality' right? So essentially, we all individually have that power as creators, thats how everything comes into being.


God in my interpretation is the intelligence source. Energy is the doer of God's will, the great source or spirit.


The problem of this technological stalemate is at the HEART of this entire cabal shit show we are fighting. The same people took a strong hold on the entire system we live in to be able to control everything that we can obtain.


Think logically, why did they take over teh education systems, mostly the universities? Because it falsely draws in all the brightest and best to create to their hearts content and find all these discoveries, so that the university then can patent those ideas and designs as their own, and then lock them away for safe keeping so that even if someone else does discover, they can't use it. This is the same for the pharma game, the same research has cured cancer and most diseases many times over, mark my words. Look into Wilhelm Reich and Royal Raymond Rife, look into their works.


The same asswipes took over the energy game through oil and coal, and once they had the monopoly they where able to suppress and kill off anything that threatened their system. This is what stopped Tesla's work from being really known what he achieved. They also make it hard enough financially with equipment and facilities that an ordinary person could no longer do this work independently, especially when needing to lodge for permits, or at the end a patent to protect it, then its known - they come after you.


This is the reason why this entire battle we are fighting is so important. We must save the kids. We must stop the attempt to enslave the world. But importantly we must finally unlock the cupboards containing everything that has kept us hundreds of years in the dark to our true potential.


If anyone thinks that in the space of 20 years we cna go from a mobile phone that resembled a house brick, to a touchscreen AI driven super computer in the palm of your hand, but we are still using combustion engine technology and burning fossil fuels is just because 'we haven't discovered it yet' is lost to the cause.

Anonymous ID: ffb335 Sept. 16, 2020, 5:02 a.m. No.10666210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6244



The answer is again very very simple, and has been right in front of everyone even the believers of religion.


Why does faith have the effect it does? Why do highly focused individuals create success? What is the REAL underlying factor behind the motivational talkers who tell us we can all be creators and sucessful?


The KEY is BELIEF. Anyone who thinks they can get up each day and sit at the end of their bed and pray out of habbit, then go to work and say they are good at their job just because they need to think they are but never progress, and then wonder why they can't advance or find happiness.

It's because they don't believe with whole intent. Once energy is focused with a belief that is unwavering, to a point it becomes truth for you, not just a thought, then it has power to manifest and be.


Ever wondered why people in deep depression and addiction problems say they just can't get out of it? It's because their power of belief in that makes it so. Ever wondered why highly successful people tend to be complete jackasses an ego centric? It's because they are so staunch in their belief of status and ability, they make it happen.


When one believes fully in a concept as truth, it truly exists.

Anonymous ID: ffb335 Sept. 16, 2020, 5:31 a.m. No.10666319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6385



Sir, i've pondered this for many many years, and is arguably what i find personally the most debilitating struggle for our thought types.


We are beings of emotion, and those true to the spirit and belief i alluded to, care deeply for our fellow beings. And this it can create a massive black hole mentally when you desperately wish to try assist the rest to see/understand.


However, i've come to realise that this is not possible. I don't think everyone is meant to work it out. We are all in different phases of the our timelines, and thus the old saying goes, 'you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink' - even if it knows it will die if it doesn't.


This then brings it all back to the same core system that underpins all self focused belief systems, i.e Buddhism, Taoism, Falun Gong etc. The core of this is, you must work on yourself and in turn this helps the greater good. This is why, in my oppinion, mainstream religions, particularly Catholicism has blindly turned masses of people into lost souls, because they have had their 'self belief' pulled out of them and thrust at someone else who is deemed 'holier than thou'. Once you do that, you given up your sovereign being.


These 'normies' as you say, are stuck in a similar cycle, it's just their religion is money/lifestyle/material living, its been handed to everyone on a dinner plate with free desert for decades, and now with social media its even worse. Pro sports have been hugely instrumental in this, their sole role in modern days is to create a false lifestyle of money and fame that all the kids aspire to be. Ask any of the enormously talented kids in the hoods playing ball why they want to get to the NBA? I bet most of them want to get rich and live the life, having the skill is just a means to get there.


We must believe in ourselves, understand the true meaning original scriptures, that is, to be a decent human being and love thy neighbour. It's really now difficult at all. We cannot, and shouldn't interfere in another souls journey unless in their path they are ready and willing to make the change, or its fruitless and you'll absorb their negativity from it.



Anonymous ID: ffb335 Sept. 16, 2020, 6:10 a.m. No.10666566   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There is actually several books from Schauberger and his works, all worth reading. But for the best overall view at his philosophy, biography and his key works, then 'Living Energies' written by Calum Coats in collaboration with Schauberger Jnr is brilliant. The implosive vortex theory is hugely important, and gives a whole new meaning to the 'grand illusion' or 'mirrored' reality when comparing to the way we've been taken with technology, that is explosive theory.


Tesla doesn't really have much in the way of books he wrote, he never really seemed to be into that, but you can read his works in their raw form around the place, patents and so on. Arguably the entire system of electricity and technology we have today is because of him.

Anonymous ID: ffb335 Sept. 16, 2020, 6:15 a.m. No.10666593   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Camo-anon researcher, this image gave us another idea!


I suspect that the fake motion screen horizontal lines style filter always used on Anonymous video's could actually work! Would give a good effect of being 'watched on tv' too.


If it is slightly rippled it would be extremely hard to catch this one as its not fixed squares!


V3? kek