Anonymous ID: c5a08a Sept. 16, 2020, 6:43 a.m. No.10666806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As we are all-too painfully aware, what passes for "news" is the biggest problem POTUS faces on our behalf.

Whether right or left, TOO many people still look to TV, and too many people are unaware that legitimate NEWS reporting exists because "providers" won't carry OANN.

Questions for Faux:

Were Kelly, Mattis & Bolton asking the questions? If not, WHFH are their faces up there as though they were? CLICKBAIT!

And why is a Doctor on a Commentator's show up in the headlines (under the Hurricane stuff) when it should have been NEWS days prior?

Why are half of the "main" stories QUESTIONS?

-This crap is half our battle!!-

OAN had already aired Dr. Li-Meng Yan as a NEWS item. Their website is way behind what they air on TV because of their small budget – NOT corporate$$$ NWO-controlled.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

A top virologist who fled China announced she has evidence the coronavirus was man-made. On Friday, Dr. Li-Meng Yan said the virus did not come from nature and called claims it originated in Wuhan’s wet markets a “smokescreen.”

According to Dr. Yan, China actually owned two different viruses that, when modified, became the coronavirus. Furthermore, she stated the virus came from a lab in Wuhan.

She reportedly came across this evidence after fleeing to the U.S., where she has been working with a group of top scientists.

“It will come to the world very soon, we’re going to publish it,” Dr. Yan explained. “The first one (report) will come in several days, and it will tell people all the scientific evidence.”

The doctor has said she was targeted by the Chinese government before she left the country. According to her, they tried to make her disappear.
