The pick of former Obama immigration advisor Cecilia Munoz to join Joe Biden’s transition team is apparently causing rancor within the Democratic camp.
That Munoz held such a key immigration role for a president once skewered by the far-left as the “deporter-in-chief”—a label that was never serious and designed solely to intimidate the White House—is apparently the key reason for the push-back—one former DNC spokesman compared her record on immigration enforcement to that of Trump’s top immigration advisor, Stephen Miller.
While Obama did try and curb things like 2014’s unaccompanied child invasion by increasing family detentions, the far-left has nothing to fear. Munoz’s connections with pro-Hispanic, globalist, and outright anti-white extremism should be more than enough to keep them satisfied.
The transition team position will allow Munoz to handpick and place candidates in the thousands of appointee openings across the federal government, should Biden win in November. This is indeed scary. Up until now, Munoz has been a board member with Black Lives Matter-financier, the Open Society Foundation and a top official with New America: a “think and action tank” that presumably feels the “Old America” just wasn’t any good and fired a researcher critical of Google in 2017.
Before joining the White House, Munoz had worked for decades as a top official with the National Council of La Raza, the aggressively ethnonationalist organization which happens to have close, direct ties with a Hispanic activist so extreme he literally made a call to eliminate “gringos,” or non-Hispanic Americans.
In 1970, Jose Angel Gutierrez founded a political party that was basically like the American Nazi Party at the time, but for Hispanics. La Raza Unida, or “The United Race”, had a pro-reconquista agenda, supporting the reconquest from the United States of land formerly belonging to Mexico. A former House Democrat once referred to them as a party of “Nazis” for whom “only one thing counts… La Raza above all.”