Thank You Baker
>the bakers are antifa, are you new here?
Well you learn something new here everyday.
They are not Jewish or Chineeee operators after all.
Go figure.
You sure? I seen some of those Antifa folk, don't look like they could run a bath, let alone this board.
Antifa bakers, wew!
>are you still so blind you don't know who pulls the strings of Antifa?
So they are Chineee Antifa soy boys, running this board?
Putting all the Pro Trump stuff in notes for almost 3 years?
That's some serious mind fuck.
Why would they keep the Q posts and stuff?
Anyway, I'm just thinking out loud.
I'll write it down so I 'member.
Writing it in my notebook now…….Bakers are Antifa
Got it. thanks.
Let me know if they turn Russian or something weird like that.
Hey Q
>Only a moran would believe asshoes would NOT try to subvert the Q movement through infiltrating the kitchen
You are the moran.
The only important thing here is there is an actual bread to post in.
>What is a back channel?