>>10669791 lb
I'm not privy to the intricacies of the way The Plan was conducted, anon.
We must have Faith.
You'll notice, should you find her, that she's a pretty great gal.
>>10669791 lb
I'm not privy to the intricacies of the way The Plan was conducted, anon.
We must have Faith.
You'll notice, should you find her, that she's a pretty great gal.
Let us know when it actually gets spicy though.
This still seems like "I swear, I'll do it!"
Thanks for backing me up, guys.
I didn't really expect you to chime in, but I'm glad you did.
When can we start talking about the Balfour Declaration, exactly?
Just be careful not to push too far, anon.
FastJack got corrected for a reason.
Do not interrupt an enemy in the process of making a mistake.
Keep getting triggered and I'll keep laughing at you.
That's not good though.
Interest rates need to come up.
Without high interest rates, the bubble will continue to balloon, boomers will keep selling houses at ridiculous prices, poverty will continue to find us, young people will continue to be exhausted via gouging rent rates and the housing market will crash even harder in the future.
If we continue kicking the can down the road and refusing to let things fail, things will inevitably get worse until they do in fact fail.
My guess is we have maybe three years before things begin being allowed to fail.
We have to see steep corrections to the value of USD. Credit must be upended. Jubilee must find us.
No one will be made whole, but that's the price we have to pay for prolonging this shit for so many years (decades).
There's one thing missing though.
Only the keenest among you might spot it.
There's a reason no one ever touches this question.
I think you tagged the wrong anon, fren.
Rome is USED by certain people/organizations/families.
The only way The Christ awakens again is though (You).
Seeking guidance is generally a waste of time.
Trust yourself. Only yourself.