Keep trying breadshitting shill, won't do any good. That tactic has been seen too many times.
shill fail
Keep trying breadshitting shill, won't do any good. That tactic has been seen too many times.
shill fail
Previously Collected Notables
>>10670494 #13655
>>10668209 #13652, >>10668941 #13653, >>10669712 #13654
>>10665950 #13649, >>10666720 #13650, >>10667475 #13651
>>10663595 #13646, >>10664350 #13647, >>10665150 #13648
>>10661306 #13643, >>10662054 #13644, >>10665150 #13648
Sunni are pretty cool, it's those shia like in iran that are the bad ones
Has Greta sent you a thank you card for all the recycling you do?
recycle recycle recycle recycle
Copypasta response seen over a dozen times, the text and all.
Palestinians will be no problem, they are going to get a big chunk of Iran so they and the Kurdish Homeland can keep the Iraqis and the Iranians apart.
Iranian shill goes back to trying to put new images with same old worn out copypasta crap because that has never worked before but shill does not want to be cannon fodder in Syria
Israel is too busy making peace with the Arab World and further isolating Iran. Kinda beautiful icing on the cake of Snapback Sanctions
Did your cousin bother to ask for assistance or does your crippled cousin not even exist? We remember Richmond back in the 80s, not good times, but hey Bryant Gumble was your hero then
Still recycling lame shit, iranian soon to be headed for a red-misting by the Ruskies in Syria.
just ONE folder for them all
Hong Kong chicks be made out of rubber bands and love you long time
Iranian copypasta shill FAIL
somebody gonna get sent to Syria and smoked by Ivan
All good
I feel your frustration. Perhaps you should take a break and get a snack, while there is still food in Iran