T'he Center for the National Interest was originally named The Nixon Center. It was created
and announced by President Richard M. Nixon "on January 20, 1994, the 25th anniversary
of his first inauguration and just three months before his death in April of that year. While
genuinely non-partisan, as reflected in the composition of its Board of Directors and Advisory
Council, the Center has a philosophy of an enlightened pursuit of national interest. The
specific goal of the Center is to explore ways of enhancing American security and prosperity
while taking into account the legitimate perspectives of other nations. With the end of the
Cold War, the U.S. found itself without a clear-cut foreign policy direction. It is the Center's
objective to work on developing new guiding principles for United States global engagement
in a dramatically new international environment, the principles which would combine
hard-headed pragmatism and fundamental American values."
"Located in Washington, DC, The Nixon Center is a non-partisan institution and operates as
a substantively and programmatically independent division of The Richard Nixon Library &
Birthplace Foundation. The Center is funded through a combination of corporate and
individual donations in addition to foundation grants."
Another key to creating the first Cold War was the exaggerated threat and capabilities of the
USSR. This was done though the major industrialist backed think tanks that CNI is a product
of (CFR, RAND Corporation Rockefeller Foundation etc.) All the while, Henry Kissinger had
a back-channel to the Russian leadership throughout the Cold War.
. Today, Kissinger Associates is a lobbyist for the multinational corporations connected to
the CNI, where he is the Honorary Chairman. At the same time, Kissinger Associates belong
to the U.S.–Russia Business Council (USRBC). This essentially places Russian US lobbying
contracts in the hands of Kissinger Associates. Richard Burt works for Kissinger Associates,
is a board member of CNI and a director of the US-Russia Business Council.
U.S.–Russia Business Council (USRBC) is a trade association that represents the interests
of 300 member companies with operations in the Russian market. The Council’s mission is
to expand the U.S.-Russian commercial relationship and control it through the 300 members
who include Alfa-Bank, Boeing, Cargill, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, Ford, Gazprombank, LUKOIL,
Procter & Gamble, and other leading businesses, banks, law firms, accounting firms and
U.S.–Russia Business Council (USRBC) is listed second on the list of regional partners of
the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. The Forum is the Russian version of
Davos (World Economic Forum) which is also heavily tied to Kissinger Associates, as Henry
Kissinger himself is their Co-Chairman. St. Petersburg International Economic Forum plays a
huge part in the networking, planning and development of Eurasia.
Eurasia and the Belt and Road Initiative
The next part of the plan is to develop infrastructure to control the Eurasian landmass. The
key infrastructure plan for this is known as the Belt and Road Initiative. It is being carried out
by the oligarchs model for the world, The People's Republic of China. The Center for the
National Interest / Nixon Center and other linked think tanks such as East-West Institute and
Eurasian Center have played a key role in these agendas as well as the major high tech and
military industrial complex corporations and nations such as Israel have transferred major
high technology to China in order to build this ambitious high technology driven project. Not
to mention the Chinese state's own espionage. This along with the EAEU (Eurasian
Economic Union) and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) free trade zones a
lot of the groundwork is complete.