Anonymous ID: 39852b Sept. 16, 2020, 2:02 p.m. No.10672658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So, that sounds like another clear confirmation that the China Virus did not evolve naturally from a bat.


Which reminds me of the never-really-plausible conclusion that AIDS "jumped" from chimpanzees to local African hunters, and evolved to become a virus that killed millions and millions of humans (conveniently orphaning even more millions of African children (who ended up where exactly?)).


The story we got told about AIDS is that the virus probably jumped to humans from the practice of eating "bush meat" (wild apes). Even though it's actually very hard to get HIV through the mouth or through blood splatters (though not technically impossible). Then we were told that scientists couldn't really figure out when in Africa millions of heterosexual men and women were dying from HIV when in every other part of the world, heterosexual sex was over all a fairly ineffective way to spread the virus (versus injection drug-use and homosexual sex which was much more likely to expose delicate membranes to infected body fluids). The scientific community explained away the anomalous death toll in Africa suggesting that it had something to do with the fact that African men took many wives (as though married American men done't sleep around either). Another explanation was that there were other unchecked STDs amongst poor African populations, which caused an exponential increase in heterosexual infection in Africa (in which case providing obvious treatment of STD to the African popultion should have stopped the HIV spread in that country in its tracks).


I think we are going to learn that this is a game that has been played more than once. The China Virus is not from bats, and the AIDS Virus is not from chimps.