It was me that posted that book.
I think the focal point is that there are memories of the entire history of our ancestors within our DNA.
They know this. Pic related.
I'm a firm believer that plant/animal knowledge within our DNA came from Adam, as he had knowledge of every living thing in the Garden of Eden and knew what happened when each was used EXCEPT one particular "tree"…
I also don't think that it's limited to humans as well. We are taught that we domesticated wolves into dogs by breeding favorable traits. That may be true to a point, but what if much of it had to do with wolves remembering, through DNA, what humans were like and how they benefited from working with them?
What memories have they tried (and possibly successfully) taken from us?
What memories do they want for themselves?
What memories do they want to TAKE from us?
Is it possible that there's so much inbreeding among the elites, a focus on keeping it in the family because they don't want someone coming upon the knowledge trapped inside of their genetics?
Where are the real secrets kept?