Anonymous ID: 0f93e0 Sept. 16, 2020, 5:21 p.m. No.10675183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5512

Build Back Better = Safety House Build?


I wonder. What other reason for Trudeau and Freeland (Soros's Biographer, Grandfather was Ukranian Nazi collaborator) to say Build Back Better? sounds like Comms to me.

Canada's Trudeau tries to reset amid economic unease and a growing ethics scandal

CNN Digital Rebranding 2015 Paula Newton Photo: Jeremy Freeman

By Paula Newton, CNN


Updated 11:13 PM ET, Tue August 18, 2020

"We need to reset the approach of this government for a recovery to build back better and those are big, important decisions and we need to present that to parliament and gain the confidence of parliament to move forward on this ambitious plan," Trudeau said.

If Chrystia Freeland really wants to 'build back better,' here’s where she needs to start

Heather Scoffield

By Heather ScoffieldEconomics Columnist

Thu., Aug. 20, 2020timer4 min. read

When newly named Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau appeared together earlier this week to give a preview of their lofty, optimistic vision for the future, Freeland used that phrase that is music to so many progressives’ ears: “build back better.”


It was an allusion to the grand vision that environmentalists are pushing here in Canada and that progressive leaders, including U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, are promoting around the world