Anonymous ID: 66b6d9 Sept. 16, 2020, 7:21 p.m. No.10676588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sharing something I posted on Voat a few years ago.


Trying to think of a format that can be effective without taking a whole lot of time to produce, I thought of the idea of producing direct, focused analyses of specific news reports, like video "reviews" of a piece of journalism; A critique, but of the version of reality being presented by the article, five minutes or less.


Title like so: RE: [media outlet] - [Title of Article | Date of Publication] (Consistency is important)

  • Summarize the message of the article

  • Analyze it and pick it apart systematically; Structure and neatness are key

  • Provide and display sources for all counter-claims

  • Avoid personal attacks of any sort


This would bemeta journalism: Journalism about journalism, the public's reporting on the news itself. Imagine multiple Tweet replies or Facebook comments to every single MSM article, all people directly addressing the content of the article, and all easily identified by title. Ideally, these are done in an even-tempered enough way that they could easily be consumed by passive users. All of us doing it in a similar way would be more conducive to turning it into a movement, or otherwise getting it to spread.