Anonymous ID: ef566d Sept. 16, 2020, 8:43 p.m. No.10677275   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So this is my humble theory, given that the Democrats always project what they are going to do, Nov 3rd will come, Trump will win in a landslide, like 48 states. Hitlery has already said to Biden, not to concede, no matter what. Pantifa is the military wing of the DNC, and they have been goading us into starting a "Hot" civil war. Fakebook, twatter and the rest of social media will shut down GEOTUS's feed, after he tweets the Storm phrase. So, in thinking that he wont be able to communicate with patriots, they will forget that he can use the Emergency Message Service. that will also be during the 10 days of darkness. Comments?