Anonymous ID: 000000 Sept. 16, 2020, 9:19 p.m. No.10677620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8031

11811 / 118

Bakers/Anons saw drops re: above last couple days.

(lb) >>10676881 On this Day September 16th, 1920-brittanica

Killing 38: 3+8=11

Wounding 143: 1+4+3=8

They were playing number games back then.

Fritz Lang

One Eyed (wore eyepatch)

Made movie Metropolis, 1927

Character named 11811

Scene w 11811 lasts 4:34


43+4=47, 4+7=11

4+34=38, 3+8=11


To be cont'd.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Sept. 16, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.10677709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10677559 sauce?

>>10677663 o7


#13665 ~@250

Baker Change

>>10677587 previous baker notes

>>10676973 REQUESTING General House Democrat related memes

>>10677458 Did Esper call out anons?

>>10677484 9 News Nancy - Biden Video

>>10677519 FakeNews CNN Reports AG Barr sd 'coronavirus closures are the ‘greatest intrusion on civil liberties’ other than slavery'

>>10677537 Billionaire critic of COVID-19 restrictions says Canada let her skip travel quarantine

>>10677561 Whistleblower Nails Fauci, Rothschilds, Highlands Group, DARPA CAP ( >>10677602 )

>>10677564 >>10677566 Mosquito Borne Illness Vaccine study is underway

>>10677521 covid-19-emails-from-nashville-mayors-office-show-disturbing-revelation

Anonymous ID: 000000 Sept. 16, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.10678031   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dig re: One Eye Fritz Lang, “The Master of Darkness”

Movie in 1927: 1, 9, 2+7=9 / 199 / 1, 9+9=18 / 118

Character called 11811

Scene/Title 5 (33:39-38:13) (4:34)

“Freder returns to the machines under the city and takes the place of a worker known as 11811.”

Scene Start: 33:39

Scene End: 38:13





Scene lasts 4:34


43+4=47, 4+7=11

4+34=38, 3+8=11


Fritz Lang has 11 works online


38=11 (also 3x8 or 888 [Fritz’ wife was born in 1888])

Written by Thea von Harbou in collaboration with Lang


Lang’s wife: Thea Gabriele von Harbou

Born in 1888

child prodigy

big production with Lang was M (1931), a film about a child murderer. It was written with exquisite attention to accuracy

joining the campaign against Germany's paragraph 218, which made abortion a crime

"Under a regime where every film was a 'state film,' Thea von Harbou amassed writing credits on some twenty-six films, while giving uncredited assistance on countless others-including a handful with an indisputable National Socialist worldview"


Co-wrote Metropolis w/ Fritz

Family of minor nobility and government officials

Anonymous ID: 000000 Sept. 16, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.10678036   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I come to the board to make a legitimate point that innocent patriots are being sacraficed in this war


Bigger than you can imagine. This is WW and we know all too well the ''people' in harms way. The reason you got the response you received is obvious.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Sept. 16, 2020, 10:03 p.m. No.10678074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8175

Republican Campaign Aide Murdered in Minneapolis — Staffer for Lacy Johnson Who Is Running Against Ilhan Omar Shot Dead in Drive-By Shooting


Link related