Anonymous ID: 94a0b7 Sept. 16, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.10678003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8175


America’s Color Revolution


Posted by R. LANDRY - EDITOR on JUNE 4, 2020

It was bound to happen eventually. The CIA/State’s color revolution process has found its way back home. The color revolution is better described by the foreign observers who say “are externally fueled acts with a clear goal to influence the internal affairs that destabilize the economy,[2] conflict with the law and represent a new form of warfare“. Something happens, protests occur that switch from the event to the regime, next thing you know the the regime has either changed entirely or has caved on a specific policy. We see this happening right now in America.

Let us cover the timeline…

A small time crook in the major metropolis of a Midwestern state is arrested, and in the arrest, is manhandled by a cop and dies later. This is caught on film. This becomes protests in the city, and some online outrage. This inspires peaceful protests that morph into riots, burning down a good bit of commercial real estate. The officer is arrested for third degree murder, which does not appease the crowd because the lawyers for the victim (why do victims have advocate lawyers) wanted first degree murder. Minnesota’s officials float out the white supremacists infiltrating protests to cause chaos, which was easily shot down, but showed that even the left establishment is worried about blowback. This mushrooms into copycat solidarity protests in other cities that turn into riots. The riots burn down and destroy much of commercial real estate in the cities, with media coverage as peaceful protests despite burning buildings, deaths and shootings sometimes within camera view. Mayors and Governors do not crackdown, which is odd since these same cities and states all have lockdowns against gatherings greater than 25 people and were ordering cops to arrest moms, restaurant owners and hairdressers a couple weeks ago. This puts the problem on Trump’s lap to say if needed he will invoke the Insurrection Act and help the police restore order. This then causes a media manufactured crisis of PRESIDENT WILL ORDER TROOPS TO FIRE ON CIVILIANS. Once this ball is in motion, including lies from the media that the President gassed protesters for a speech and photo op, the debate is in the media about using the military. The last two presidents made statements of no confidence in Trump. Obama even said he saw more change in the last few weeks than his lifetime. This is an obvious lie, so the esoteric meaning is the line being a reference to Lenin’s weeks/decades statement. All the former intel community men in media now are all in on this. We now have seen former generals like Gen. Mattis say Trump is a threat to the Constitution as well as active heads of the military, National Guard and even Joint Chiefs of Staff write memos about protecting the Constitution and being against racism. This is an appeal to every soldier who swears an oath to defend the Constitution. To go one step further, the highest enlisted men of different branches are openly saying to “take appropriate action” when the time is right or what Floyd’s death means to them. Politically, Trump’s shakiest Senator announced that Mattis’ statement moved her. On top of all of this, the capitol is swarming with armed men of multiple agencies and even some men of no agencies (Academi or Dyncorp?). This sets up quite the weekend, with the anniversary of D-Day when Americans stormed the beaches taking down the dictator that the media has compared Trump for the last five years.