Anonymous ID: f323a8 Sept. 16, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.10677782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>10677366 lb

Yeah, anons are saying that this is how we're fooled.

[They] abide by admiralty laws.

In fact, (You) are presumed to be either lost or dead at sea and none of the things you "own" genuinely belong to you.

You have no actual name. You are merely a number

You are [C]attle.

Your owners have controlled you all of your lives. They taunt you, even here and now.

You have owned nothing and you never have. You are literal property.

Anonymous ID: f323a8 Sept. 16, 2020, 9:54 p.m. No.10677986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8079


It's actually a bit more innocent, anon.

The risen eye above the pyramid is supposed to symbolize the US's detached, collective "ascension" of sorts, signifying its rise above other nations.

The Eye of Providence/Horus is a powerful symbol and I'm probably doing a horrible job doing it justice, but you should understand that it's truly not as malicious as some of the brainlets around here have made you think.


The Eye of Providence is an allusion to "God" and our implied omnipresence as a connected entity/species. It doesn't have anything to do with the visual organs on the top of your face. It's actually supposed to point to the Third Eye.


The Eye of Horus is the ability of the Child to See.

We are all children of the Creator/Father. Hebrews call it Yahweh/YHWH, Christians call it "God The Father" (which should be a lot more obvious to everyone…), Muslims call it Allah, etc.

The (Third) Eye connects us to Our Father.

You can use the Third Eye to reconnect to yourself, your other memories (from past lives or otherwise) and others' past lives as well.


Washington himself infiltrated the Orders from a few hundred years ago. He tricked them. He wasn't the only one to do it either.

See, what the Orders know and use are merely tools - neutral tools that have no stake in who uses them or how. The Founding Fathers understood this and tried to free us.

It's as Franklin said, "if you can keep it." Well… can we, or will we be fooled so easily as to forget what they desperately hoped we would remember?

Anonymous ID: f323a8 Sept. 16, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.10678015   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Loud and clear, fren.

You need not say more.

I merely had a good feeling I knew why you seemed so familiar.

I'll try not to inspect too much further.

Anonymous ID: f323a8 Sept. 16, 2020, 10:05 p.m. No.10678091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8137 >>8171 >>8212


Alright, we can do Egypt too.

A lot of Egypt holds secrets of the ancient times of our people.

Egypt wasn't actually that long ago.


See, Atlantis was real. It wasn't an underwater city, but it is one currently.

After the Deluge, men like Thoth… uh… "traveled" to North Egypt.

There were already pyramids there when the "Egyptian" people settled and began to coordinate an organized society.


The people that were already living there were comparably primitive to the Atlanteans. They treated them like gods.

Maybe they'd just never seen Aryans before or thought it was cool that they could fly or looked so different, I don't really know. I wasn't able to put that much together.

However, the point of all of this is that some of the Atlanteans that traveled around the world were able to influence newer cultures with some aspects of their previous culture.


Let's take the Swastika for instance:

The symbol pervades nearly all cultures and manifests visibly over all four corners of the world regardless of what language is spoken or how people look.

There's a reason there was a huge Golden Swastika found in the ice caps and no one ever talks about it.


Most of what's taught about these topics is purposefully contorted and we, as students grasping at straws are fed bullshit lies and watered down half truths endlessly.

Don't get me wrong, I'm probably not doing a perfect job of putting this all together again, but once you get in to the more nuanced bits things sort of start to line up at least.

Anonymous ID: f323a8 Sept. 16, 2020, 10:13 p.m. No.10678170   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>One Eye = symbol of bad

Not really.

Odin had one eye.

You know the story of Odin, correct?


That's part of what I was trying to explain, anon. There are "good" and "bad" elements to plenty of the occult symbolism.

I mean, you're right in that Left Eye generally means Left Hand (path). However, having your right eye "taken" also sometimes means punishment or consequence.


So, not to further complicate things, but… let's say for instance you see a Eye of Providence in an upside down triangle - that's generally signifying something you'd likely want to be weary of.

The way that it is on the dollar bill, however, isn't really "bad".


Even then, it's not like "bad guys" can't use the Third Eye. It's essentially just indicating an increased spiritual awareness/intuition.

It matters how you use it much more than than you use it.

Anonymous ID: f323a8 Sept. 16, 2020, 10:16 p.m. No.10678203   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, but what sense can we make of the first image.

Clearly, everything used to be more harmonious and that's what the second and third image denotes: the time from "before time".

But that first image is what hardly makes sense. Is it just a recount of the disruption?

You've got to explain things and despite having brief knowledge of things, I'm having hard time.