>Contrary to what people believe, It takes a lot of courage to kill yourself.
His Mom was watching, he even addressed her. No, it doesn't take a lot of courage to kill yourself.
>Contrary to what people believe, It takes a lot of courage to kill yourself.
His Mom was watching, he even addressed her. No, it doesn't take a lot of courage to kill yourself.
>Around 23:10 of his documentary, play extra attention on how Dr. Greer and his group "contact" these beings.
They meditate, chant and use their intentions?
>Sure. No cabalistic ritual here. Move along.
What's "cabalistic" about it? Is cabalistic even a word?
>You have much to learn.
What's the point though? They are communicating with aliens using their consciousness. How else would you communicate with them?
You're a creepy weirdo nerd.