Anonymous ID: debf21 Sept. 17, 2020, 2:13 a.m. No.10679314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9316 >>9466

>>10678949 DOUGH

>>10678977 Corrected Dough


Notes @300 ish



>>10679283 Ex-DOE employee David Hag pleads guilty to CP charge

>>10679230 On how to dump Biden post-election theory (TownHall)

>>10679213 Gamer Mall attorneys "looking at" DoJ indictment papers re: extradition to US on 23 counts

>>10679206 Victorian Govt. to debate a bill which would forcibly dtain conspiracy theorists and people "likely to spread CV"

>>10679119 Quebec's Anti-Mask Conspiracy, QAnon hitz; bonus - caller was near gun! shop!

>>10679114, >>10679120 Obama’s Man in China Now Beijing’s Man in Washington - reliable Trump critic

>>10678954 Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin in the news - 3 articles

Anonymous ID: debf21 Sept. 17, 2020, 2:47 a.m. No.10679477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9488 >>9495 >>9506

>>10679466 Good Morning, Morning.


Here's the bun - enjoy yer bake.


Handoff Confirmed?



>>10679459 Anti-Maskers march through Target urging other to liberate their faces.

>>10679437 OAN - Hourly play of Biden touching Kids Video - MP4

>>10679409 Portland Protesters' lives upended after Mug Shots posted - sadz

>>10679298 Patriot stands up to tyranny (vid)

>>10679283 Ex-DOE employee David Hay pleads guilty to CP charge

>>10679230 On how to dump Biden post-election theory (TownHall)

>>10679213 Gamer Mall attorneys "looking at" DoJ indictment papers re: extradition to US on 23 counts

>>10679206 Victorian Govt. to debate a bill which would forcibly detain conspiracy theorists and people "likely to spread CV"

>>10679119 Quebec's Anti-Mask Conspiracy, QAnon hitz; bonus - caller was near gun! shop!

>>10679114, >>10679120 Obama’s Man in China Now Beijing’s Man in Washington - reliable Trump critic

>>10678954 Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin in the news - 3 articles

Anonymous ID: debf21 Sept. 17, 2020, 2:55 a.m. No.10679508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9521

>>10679488 Tanks Bakes!


Long time ago I wrote "okey Dokey" in an email and hit send. Got an immediate phone call asking WTH I meant - was spell check 'corrected to' "honky donkey". Hope your day is way better than spell check!