MOST LEOs merely facilitate debt seizure.
This is not a "all cops are bad" argument.
With that being said, significant PDs around the country are bloated, over-funded and comped.
The one thing the dumb trust fund pussies get right (well, half right) is about over policing.
We have too many laws and too many people to enforce them.
Maybe you could make a case that plentiful numbers are a blessing right now considering the riots, but that's about the best that an argument like that could get.
I do think we all deserve Justice, just not bloated and overbearing Justice by having too many people around to enforce imagined "Justice".
The big thing you'll notice, however, is that when you start to understand Admialty/Maritime laws, you understand very quickly that LEOs simply exist to secure taxation is followed and the the flow of money from the [C]attle to its rulers is facilitated.
Do not be fooled though. I love /ourguys/ and wish them the best. My gripe is with LEOs that don't actually follow the oath.