>E. @ETheFriend ยท 18h
>Casual reminder.
>I fear
I fear you have waited to long to change your tampon and are going to stain the couch.
>what a disgusting creature mentally of a 12 year old little boy no one played with your little inch worm? They can't find it?
Pretty much same thing I was thinking after reading your post. BUT, just like your posting of what you fear, mine is as valid as yours. Enjoy! Have a blessed day.
>I will be posting E''s stuff
Does not phase me at all. I take great joy in running down the larp known as E. Just as I take joy in running down abdulmnop, WR and Freerepublic and any of the other leg humpers who try and use these boards as a springboard for their own over aggrandized sense of self importance.
Please do keep that joy in my heart.