"=Notable: Entire List of Undisclosed In-Q-Tel Portfolio="
Aquifi - 3D vision software solutions
Beartooth - Decentralized mobile network
CliQr - Hybrid cloud management platform - Contract
CloudPassage - On-demand, automated infrastructure security
Databricks - Cloud-hosted big data analytics and processing platform
Dataminr - Situational awareness and analysis at the speed of social media - Contract
Docker - Open platform to build, ship, and run distributed applications - Contract
Echodyne - Next-generation electronically scanning radar systems - Contract
Epiq Solutions - Software-defined radio platforms and applications - Contract
Geofeedia - Location-based social media monitoring platform - Contract
goTenna - Alternate network for off-grid smartphone communications - Contract
Headspin - Network-focused approach to improving mobile application performance - Contract
Interset - Inside threat detection using analytics, machine learning, and big data
Keyssa - Fast, simple, and secure contactless data transfer
Kymeta - Antenna technology for broadband satellite communications
Lookout - Cloud-based mobile cybersecurity
Mapbox - Design and publish visual, data-rich maps - Contract
Mesosphere - Next-generation scale, efficiency, and automation in a physical or cloud-based data center - Contract
Nervana - Next-generation machine learning platform
Orbital Insight - Satellite imagery processing and data science at scale
Orion Labs - Wearable device and real-time voice communications platform
Parallel Wireless - LTE radio access nodes and software stack for small cell deployment
PATHAR - Channel-specific social media analytics platform - Contract
Pneubotics - Mobile material handling solutions to automate tasks
PsiKick - Redefined ultra-low power wireless sensor solutions - Contract
PubNub - Build and scale real-time apps
Rocket Lab - Launch provider for small satellites - Contract
Skincential Sciences - Novel materials for biological sample collection
Soft Robotics - Soft robotics actuators and systems
Sonatypes - Software supply chain automation and security - Contract
Spaceflight Industries - Small satellite launch, network, and imagery provider - Contract
Threatstream - Leading enterprise-class threat intelligence platform
Timbr.io - Accessible code-driven analysis platform
Transient Electronics - Dissolvable semiconductor technology - Contract
TransVoyant - Live predictive intelligence platform
TRX Systems - 3D indoor location and mapping solutions
Voltaiq - SaaS platform for advanced battery analysis
Zoomdata - Big data exploration, visualization, and analytics platform - Contract