Anonymous ID: 3bff56 April 16, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.1068662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Strange phenomenon of how one individual can run some mega entity aground if he applies himself to it and is a mohamedan with a vengeance (know any other kind?). On the surface they look normal to the unsuspecting spectator but their reign leaves indelible scars.

Patriot American anons have witnessed Obummer and his legacy, now London does a throw for first place in a showdown for most notorious shithole in the world, surpassing the USA which lags behind due to Trumpism and nearing the league of undisputed champion at this point, Malmö, Sweden.


Honesty compels us to admit Sweden has an entire team of feminists to wreak havoc upon the country whereas in London Sad IQ Khan (-not) goes solo, only assisted by some Diane Abbot (the UK Maxine Waters) and in the USA it was a mixed bag, the male muzzie helped by a select basket of entitled and bought and payed for SJWs (Maxine comes to mind as do countless others from both sides of the spectrum).

Why mention all of this? Well, I remember London as a nice metropolis and I'm not even that old. So once the rot sets in, it goes like lightning. If apples are any clue, England as a whole should be mightily worried.

Anonymous ID: 3bff56 April 16, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.1069043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9063

Welcome to distopia.


Is there any hope left?

Prolly only to have the best robots I guess.

The world seems in dire need of a biblical reset to some stone age level of subsistence for mankind if mankind wants to be around any much longer.