In case anyone needed more fuel for their fire, is the band website for Sasha Lord's band, Heavy Breathing. They played multiple shows at CPP, and their posters advertise for all ages. The entire website is a big mindfuck, but definitely should be viewed.
Serious question, does anyone remember the post pre-pizzagate about the guy in Hawaii and all the wifi networks?
Bizarre focal point of heat emanating from concrete slab. User drills hole in concrete and realizes there is a hollow space underneath. Possible underground server farm or meshnet. Describes a lot of odd activity at property.
User's boss has suspicious eBay account "CheesyBay" selling hard drives for unusual prices.
CheesyBay account linked to a man using two different aliases. Dave Flintstone and Bif Skipman. Social media profiles make it very obvious these are both the same person.
Hacked email from highly suspicious for human trafficking.
Another email correspondence between Flintstone and booking agent for Washington D.C. pizza parlor discusses "providing reference" for Clinton Foundation board member.
TL;DR Mystery shack in Hawaii may be an underground pedophile bunker being used by members of the Clinton Foundation.