Whoooooa there anon, can we not talk about George Soros?
Holy shit you're hostile today, moshe.
Relax and take a chill pill from one of the house goys.
>Trigger images
>Blame the victims
What the fuck kind of projection is this?
Sorry but I'm not connected to all of the psychobabble your garbage brain interconnects as cohesive reality.
It's a literal cartoon, if you are suffering cute-aggression; Not my problem.
>Lack of substance
>Only accusation
The irony of calling someone a shill when you refute nothing and offering even less.
There is a reason you ask for sauce, anyone with an asshole can shit over a canvas and call it art these days.
No you retard, there are plenty of anons who post anime.
I have seen many days where I do not post and others are posting.
All to be declare this ellusive animefag that retard kikes have the need to discredit.
Running the same talking points against anyone who posts an image of literal cartoons.
It's more important that the people learn to fight and retake control over our lines of communication.
The GOP or whatever, is compatible with corruption if given time to grow stagnant.
Term limits and judging politicians or those running for office, by merit not party.