"Arrests are imminent." ~ Benjamin Fulford every month since 2011. Q needs to try some more original form of hope porn.
People like LeBron and Popovich are a horrible face for the NBA, when compared to people like Jordan and Shaq. I'm not a fan in any case, but I can see the difference.
I just got my RealID so I can fly to exotic foreign locations like Arizona and Texas. What happened to the right to travel per the commere clause? We live in freakin nazi Germany.
We want Tom Perez to be head of DNC FOR-FUCKING-EVER! Such an incompetent eejit.
Top 10 Baker Girls
Here in Cal, we are getting state-sponsored corona fear porn on Fox Business directed at hispanic family gatherings. It's fucking disgusting.
Locking up muppets like her is pretty far down my arrest list, but yes, it's desreved.
What's worse, namefaggotry or bread shittery?
Ive heard Aus is a masonic hellhole. Too bad, it's a nice place otherwise.
Cut the cable and go to internet tv. Cheaper and better. But in all cases, AVOID ATT AND CONCAST.
Was a shill who got roundly abused.
Soros is a front man for the Roths, I believe.
Hard wire it to a dedicated generator. Wake up to find a libtard omelette in your front yard.
Libtards are often tv addicts. Stupid fucks. Cutting the cable defunds all kinds of sportsball, lame corporate sponsors, Hollyweird faggots etc etc.
There's an ongoing wealth exodus from blue shut-down states.
That's where the scum seeps out.
The Patriot Act is BAD period
Agree that the Trump DOJ simply hasnt done its job. The FBI/DOJ is a disgrace and must be eliminated to restore the Republic. The FBI is definitely NOT legal.