Anonymous ID: edece6 Sept. 17, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.10684662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4743

For real, we are at a precipice. This is one of those moments where all possible timelines converge on a single point. History is riding on this, and I really do think that if the forces of darkness win they will rewrite this year and the time immediately about it such that their narrative is the truth.

America is the last place on Earth that has true freedom enshrined into law. The right to self-defense. The right of free speech. The basic right to wear what you fucking want to and go where you want to and do what you want to for a living. Our military is the last force on Earth powerful enough to win this fight. If America falls, the world really will go down with her. Forever. There will be nowhere left on the planet to run.

The past few years have made it clear just how quickly and easily truth can be memory-holed. How susceptible people really are to social conditioning and how willingly they'll give up every right if they're afraid. The digital age will only cement that. If we lose this fight, I truly believe that no spark of dissent will ever rise up again until the end of time. Surveillance and social control will have reached such a point that wrongthink will be crushed before it ever has the chance to spread, and the alteration of language and history will make it impossible for people to even entertain wrongthink or express it in words.

It's such a grave realization that I can't tell if what I feel is anxiety, calm, or just wonder. I am in awe that I was born to witness and participate in this moment.

All of forever comes down to right now. Let's do something that history can smile at.